Storms over the Balkans

There was a warning of potential thunderstorms over Crete during the night. There was some storm activity to the west of Crete however this has since disappeared so I suspect we will experience little of nothing. The Greek mainland and the southern Balkans are enjoying storms as I write.

I watched another ‘Cracker’ story last night so might have retired slightly later than normal. The stories were originally broadcast over two or more evenings but I am able to watch the entire story in one sitting. I lay on my bed with the van door pulled too, due to the presence of Skinny within, but the side windows of the cab were open. I was not under my mosquito netting but managed to escape getting nibbled.

I was well away when the alarm went off but got to it quite quickly. There were fewer vehicles about and we didn’t encounter any FreeLoaders although daylight showed some were closer than I’d realised. I don’t think they noticed us trooping past several times.

The second walkers included Fido and Oskar with Skinny and Isabella. We went for a walk up the river valley just for a change. There was a delightfully decomposing goat in the middle of the track and other foul aromas too. The dogs were mostly attentive to my instructions to leave the nasty things alone however Fido had to be extracted from a heap of dumped chicken pluckings. Sadly, this area is used for fly tipping so there are some pretty nasty deposits by the side of the access road.

We returned to the camping without misadventure however Fido went AWOL on the final leg and was to be found patiently sitting outside the gate to the field when I returned from my trip to Petrakis after my swim. Strangely, he was in time for his breakfast.

I went for a swim then set off for Petrakis for some vegetables. The wind was from the north/east so was against me on the way out but helping on the return. Petrakis was not too busy so I was in and out quite quickly. Helpful as I’d promised Litsa I’d pop in to sort out her Web camera which her son had decided to meddle with when he visited with his children the previous day. The children warned him that γιαγιά (nana) would tell him off for meddling with her apparatus especially when he misconfigured it and it stopped working! It’s all fixed now.

Whilst with Litsa, I was aware of their new ceiling fan. There is not a huge amount of headroom under their metal awning however they have recently installed a ceiling fan which is 2m (well over 6 feet) above the floor and mostly above the table anyway. It’s just naturally disconcerting when there is a large rotating fan close to one’s head! She says they will visit the store tomorrow and will try to get one for me as I understand they are good at keeping the flies at bay. My cooler/fan is fine but there are times when, even on its lowest setting, it’s too much for the conditions. A ceiling fan does not cool the air but just stirs it up to provide a more gentle cooling effect. If it keeps the flies to of the way, that would be a huge bonus!

The remainder of the day has been reasonably quiet with a couple of very simple support calls. I contacted SportDog support in UK as I found I could purchase an extra collar for my dog trainer system from a seller on eBay. The seller was unable to tell me if my older, now unavailable, trainer was compatible with the collar he is offering. The seller only ships to UK so I will have to find a kind person to forward the item to Crete if I go ahead with the purchase. The collar is compatible as I’ve now heard from SportDog support. Fido’s days of escaping at the end of walks are numbered…

I’ve exchanged text with Aris in reception about the unpleasant smell which appears to be emanating from the upper septic tank where there are currently some customers camped. They cannot have failed to notice the smell. I’m assured it’s all in hand…

I emailed Kieron, one of Danny’s friends, who worked at RSH with me as an IT support technician. He’s unfortunately out of work as a result of CoVID 19 so looking for something at present. I also emailed Manos who worked at the camping in 2016. He is renovating the family property on the island of Evia which is close to Athens.

Another Monday draws to a close so I’d better got my spinach and lentils out of the Pot before it turns to mush!


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