Silence reigns

Skinny slid out of the van door with me this morning. His new ploy to escape over the fence. It didn’t pay off as I caught up with him at the gate so escorted him to the field gate and put on his lead. A couple of cars were in the car park but no FreeLoaders were discovered on the Promontory. A couple, who’d just arrived crossed us as we were leaving. Otherwise an uneventful walk.

The second walk had Oskar and Fido as participants so we went up the river again crossing the road rather than having to climb out of the hole left by the excavator which is digging up the river bed to become the new road or part thereof. We passed the ferocious dog who gazed sleepily back but there was no sound from either party. Oskar felt he might go off in the other direction but I brought him back with the help of my remote controller. Oskar and Isabella had plenty of energy, especially Isabella so there was much larking about on the beach during the final leg. We were back a little later as we went out later so it was 07:45 when I entered the water. Maria was swimming up and down but finished up soon after my arrival. I was in the sea around twenty minutes which was very easy to achieve. I couldn’t hear any noise from the dogs so didn’t see why I should have to rush back. With the Promontory Walk, the river walk and the swimming, there didn’t seem any reason to cycle so I had a day off. Handy too at I’d forgotten to charge the battery the day before. If I don’t do these things when I think of them I forget.

I washed myself off with the hose as the day was completely calm. I dried off and then stood in the warm morning sun to warm up and completely dry. I wanted a cup of tea but didn’t want to disturb the dogs so waited until later as the camping was so quiet. Around 09:00 I let out the dogs, fed them then made some tea and prepared my breakfast.

I’m still working on the annoying server which won’t update correctly which is what I’ve been doing on and off all day. I got a message from Litsa to say that her phone will not connect to her camera. I know the camera is fine as I can access it from my phone. I gave up and walked up to see her even though I could see her in her camera and actually sent her a picture of herself in the camera. I think the problem is with the software and the fact that her phone is a little elderly. I tried to explain that the Google Android software is different from the Apple version as the operating systems are not the same. I received four huge cucumbers for my troubles three of which are in the large fridge in the customer kitchen as I don’t have room in mine.

The dogs were restless as it was nearing Doggy Dinner time so I prepared their food as soon as I got back. Today they even ate a little earlier to make up for the past couple of days where the service has been somewhat slack. It was easy today as I’d cooked the food yesterday so it was merely a matter of getting the container out of the fridge, adding water to make it look more and serve it up. Other than Oskar, who was warding off a small child who’d ventured too close to the compound, the other dogs were asleep. Oskar was invited to go into the SDC where there is no temptation to bark at passers-by.

I felt peckish mid-afternoon so ate lunch at Greek lunchtime for a change. I might nibble on something small later on but nothing involving preparation.

It was a fairly Lazy Sunday Afternoon but also occasionally busy…


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