The SunBlocker has arrived

The final episode of ‘Defending Jacob’ has an interesting twist which is a departure from the novel to the chagrin of those whose comments I read. The ending leaves scope for another series and plenty of doubt and uncertainty. I finished off the evening with Porridge which seemed apposite.

I only woke up and got up once in the night and that was due to necessity. There was some caterwauling I think so that’s difficult to resist. It was the alarm which jolted me into action, unsuccessfully for a few minutes. I lay and considered how I might vary the Early Walk so as not to arrive at the Valley before it was light. I considered various options settling on an extended Promontory walk with a reduced Valley Walk. This works well as it’s easy to navigate the Promontory in the dark as the dogs are on the lead. I’ve been walking around there for years anyway. It’s not so good if there are lots of FreeLoaders but then I can go up the Valley. Skinny and Isabella are the main beneficiaries of the Promontory Walk as most of the others are tied up. The others may be finding the Valley Walk too much on a daily basis as Oskar decided to opt-out today following Charlie’s example yesterday. I was unsure whether Charlie was coming but he changed his mind at the last moment. The alternative is to come back to the camping after the Promontory Walk but that means leaving Luis in the van who is still awaiting the arrival of his new collar. It also means any nearby punters may be disturbed by us coming back then leaving again.

We completed three circuits of the Promontory so it was getting light as we left and was much lighter when we arrived at the Valley. VGD barked! I’m not certain it was at us but he was quite animated for a change. We walked on by and continued until 30 minutes had elapsed whereupon we descended into the river bed, followed it back down to the sea and thence back along the shore. Isabella went bathing and some of the others including Charlie paddled.

I went in the sea for twenty minutes before setting off for Krios. I was cool after my swim and the air hadn’t heated up so it was a pleasant ride up through the greenhouses. There have even been some repairs carried out to the roads since my last passage on Saturday. Mostly patchwork but using a machine to excavate the loose material and to then fill it with tarmac. There were some extensively damaged sections however regular users knew of their existence so would avoid them.

Gregor and his dogs were watering the trees but we sat under the junipers in the shade for a chat. I sat on a branch in some resin so stuck to my bike seat on the way back. There were foreigners in vans parked along the road. Gregor said he’d spoken to the Germans and Bella had played with their dog.

An email from Maria announced the arrival of the SunBlocker so I wandered up to the office later on to pick it up. Whilst there, I rerouted the power cable to one of the POS devices so that it followed the others. They were not too busy but there was activity.

I checked the SunBlocker but haven’t installed it as I need to extend the awning rail and set it up when it’s not windy. Wind is forecast for a couple of days. The SunBlocker was ordered on 7 July but arrived at the camping yesterday. Maria was unable to bring it to me for some reason and didn’t have the foresight to email me as she did today. Yesterday was windy anyway.

I ordered a ceiling fan online from so it will be delivered by courier for the same price as purchasing it from the store in Chania. ACS are the courier and it took them two weeks to pick up from DHL in Chania and deliver to the camping. Admittedly, I could have collected it up from the local ACS office if I’d managed to find it open at a time I was likely to be in town. The old SunBlocker is still functional so no hurry really. I’m keen to get the ceiling fan working if only to keep the flies away!

Other than a couple of texts from Inter Sport in Seaford as a follow-up to our support session Monday evening, it has been very quiet. Louise had called just before Inter Sport last evening to give me the news of Harry’s First from the university. I spoke to Harry for a little while to congratulate him. Louise and I agreed it was a complete turnaround for Harry who she’d despaired of in the past. He may go on to further study in light of the current shortage of suitable work. Better to obtain further qualifications than sit at home on the dole.

I appear to have some new, lively neighbours to the north. I hope they sleep soundly as they have pitched their tents close to the fence. Oskar gave them a vocal welcome so it’s not as if they are unaware of the presence of the dogs. I might get a plastic warning sign to attach to the fence where the tents are likely to be so there’s little room for doubt.

It’s been another warm day with a high of 35.8℃ with a minimum exactly ten degree lower. The wind subsided during the day but this may change tonight and tomorrow morning.

Oskar has taken up residence under my chair after I asked him not to bark at the new neighbours. Luis is on the line and the Elephants are taking a breather after their racing around on the decking and Isabella giving the sand a good kicking over.

The potatoes in the pot will be the foundation for yet another salad which is what I prefer when it’s hot.

I think that just about wraps it up for today.


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