Large package arrived

Not a single vehicle adorned the beach car park as we set off on our first walk. We didn’t see any FreeLoaders or even recent signs of any. There was an interesting cycle track diagonally across the Big Beach but no sign of any people. Perhaps they came only for the day. Our first walk followed the usual routine except it was a little quicker today as I had Isabella and Skinny on short leads one in each hand. That way, Isabella, in particular, is unlikely to try to sniff each blade of grass, admire each little stone and try to eat juniper berries. All of which waste time and annoy me in unequal proportions.

Despite my attempt to keep the pace moving, my thirty-minute Exercise Ring only completed after 1:18 of walking, once we’d left the Promontory and were heading for the river. What I find difficult to understand is the fact that I can complete around 50% on the tortuous amble to the end of the Promontory yet I struggle to close the damn thing with three circuits at a good pace. It doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense.

It was just getting light when we arrived at the track by the river. VGD was uncommunicative and seemed disinterested in us entirely. We pressed on up and then started back down via the river bed. I kept a close eye on Charlie to be sure he didn’t go on a wander so we were making good progress.

The American Woman with the dog was coming up as we were nearly at the end and we had a brief chat. I now know which person she is having not seen her for quite a while. Her husband used to have greenhouses and she has a shop in town. Sadly, her husband has breathing difficulties and is on oxygen which explains why I’ve not seen him in a long while. He deteriorates slowly year-by-year.

Fido and Luis went on a little excursion up the beach towards the hotel and the beach bar but the rest of us continued southwest in an orderly fashion. The other two eventually caught up so I used the opportunity to put them on the lead. A fluffy white dog had barked at us from the safety of his caravan as we walked past on the way out. Now he was on the beach with his keeper and I didn’t want any inconvenience. Our passage was uneventful as the three on the loose had collars so behaved nicely. During the Pre-Collar era, it would not have been possible even to have passed nicely with them all on the lead let alone with three unattached.

The dogs were stashed and I went down to the sea. It was empty (of people) and beautifully calm so I set off randomly on my back skulling with my arms only. Maria arrived and eventually went into the water. I was far enough out to see there was someone but could only guess it was her. I was back from my random swim after forty minutes so went back to release the dogs and have a shower.

I did breakfast and fed the dogs then got on with answering some emails.

I noticed the postman arriving with packages I’d ordered about a month ago. One from Belgium and the other from Germany. In fairness, the one from Belgium was from China via Belgium. I know not what complicated arrangement they have. I wandered to the office to collect them and passed the isobox where the well-nourished English-speaking catering assistant has been staying during the summer. She told me she was surplus to requirements and had been paid off. She said that those remaining could easily manage for the days left until things eventually grind to a halt and the cleaning begins.

I asked Maria about her swimming and she confirmed it was her. She has not yet been called for a teaching position and she tells me the post she had last year has already been filled. She’s hoping for something by the end of the month. The way things are going, I doubt there will be much going on in the camping by the end of the month. By this time, the kitchen and bar should have been closed up for the winter.

My packages contained some LED floodlights and a LAN adapter for my laptop. Unfortunately, I’d ordered a USB 3 adaptor and they sent USB C which is not very helpful as my laptop is a little older than USB C.

I walked up later on with a bag of rubbish just as the delivery van arrived with the package from the electric fence company. I took it from the courier and walked back with it to the storeroom before returning to deposit my rubbish. I didn’t want any inquisitions as to what was in the box.

I unpacked and checked everything was present then carried out a few little experiments as to how I’ll run the lines. I need to think some more about the best solutions. One thought occurred to me as I’d planned to put the pulse generator near to the wall box on the storeroom. Doing this would interfere with the lightning detector which would cause all kinds of complications. Putting a pulse generator next to a sensitive static detector is asking for problems. I’m going to have to come up with a more cunning plan.

I’d not dunked Luis so took him to Alonáki for a few moments. The sea looked very inviting so I took Luis back then returned for a little swim and float around which has added nicely to my Exercise total for today. My apparent interest in the Exercise Ring is due to the September Challenge which is to complete 4,000 minutes (Approximately 67 hours) of Exercise minutes during the month. This equates to an average of around 135 minutes per day, some 200 minutes more than the previous month’s total. If I’m to achieve this, the morning walks will need to become more vigorous and I’ll have to swim/cycle or run every day. I exchanged running for additional walking and cycling so as to give Skinny and Isabella more exercise. To qualify as an Exercise Minute a walk has to be quite brisk so I may need to come up with yet another cunning plan.

The upper part of the camping is now empty except for rental tents which belong to the camping and are also empty. There were some new tents down at the front of the camping near the beach but I understand there are only around twenty customers onsite. Maybe there will be some action at the weekend otherwise I can see the bar and restaurant closing very soon.

There are lots of sleeping dogs, and some potatoes in the Pot. It’s still 31℃ and today’s high was 37.8℃ and the low 22.4℃. I’m going to do something with potatoes.


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