Brush off

I had to get up in the middle of the night as Luis was noisily guarding the open cupboard in case a sneak-thief might come to steal Isabella’s food in the night. We’re all very glad that Luis should take so much care in guarding the food but I’d rather he performed the task silently. I closed the cupboard door so Luis went to sleep.

Everyone had the fidgets and my watch had inadvertently switched to silent so it was 04:40 before manic vibrations on my wrist eventually woke me up.

I suppose it was 05:10 when we were walking up the road to the Promontory in the moonlight. The moon is past full so has been with us for a few days. It’s much nicer not having to use a torch other than for burial purposes as there is enough light to walk around without falling into a heap. The first walk was a rapid affair so we were down at the beginning of the track beside the river as it was getting light.

VGD was moving around so definitely alive. The rest of us strode off into the dimness and up the track to the return point. We were about halfway back to the road bridge which a female voice wished us good morning from the direction of the track.

We seem to have mislaid Luis between the river mouth and the field gate as I had only six dogs at that point. I suspect Luis may have become involved with something important on the seashore. He’s not wearing his collar at present due to his affliction so feeling braver and exploratory.

I stashed the dogs before getting on my bike for a trip to Krios. I met Gregor and his dogs on the road as it was only 07:35 so they’d not made it as far as Krios. Bella came racing up to me making strange dog noises so I gather she was pleased to see me. Gregor said he’d not seen me in a while and I told him I’d been doing quite a bit of swimming as well as the odd visit to Paleochora. He took a track through the greenhouses so I carried on down the road towards Krios. There was no one at Krios, unsurprisingly, so I only stopped for a moment then set off back to Grammeno. This was my regular ride during the winter as it guaranteed I’d close my circles. I’d usually go in the afternoon before sunset.

I went straight back to Grammeno as Gregor was still walking through the greenhouses or had stopped to chat to someone. I let Luis in as he was making a racket outside the gate to the field. You can tell he’s feeling better as he’s getting naughty again although he’s not been barking that much.

My nest stop was the sea. I seem to have ended up swimming out to the rocky island despite it being quite hard work at the time. There was a stiff breeze blowing from the southwest making it difficult to swim across the waves. Nevertheless, I made it as far as the island and back again all before 09:00. Aris got into the sea just as I got out and I felt a bit of a fraud as the wind had died down and the sea was now calm!

I let all the dogs out and got a shower. Charlie joined in but managed to avoid most of the water. I did breakfast and fed the dogs.

There were not many jobs today so I spent my time doing useful things such as brushing the dogs and making their food for tonight.

The first brushing candidate was Charlie as he was long overdue. I had Fido ‘helping’ me as he cannot resist getting groomed. Charlie is now around 30kg lighter judging by the amount of hair I removed from him. Fido, despite his size, can also produce a lot of hair. Luis came along so I brushed out the parts that are not affected by hair-loss resulting from dermatitis.

I took Luis for a swim in the sea around 17:00 and was surprised at the number of people on the beach and in the sea. I should try to take him earlier tomorrow then go for a swim myself. The ‘waters’ seem to be doing him some good.

Isabella has just revisited me as it’s past their supper time so I’d better get out of this chair and do something.

The dogs are now replete (haha) and I have a corn on the cob awaiting my attention once it’s cooled down. Assuming Isabella doesn’t get there before me as it’s easily withing her reach.

There was a bit of a holiday atmosphere in the camping this morning as I walked up from the beach. I then noticed that Georgia is not here so has probably gone to Chania for a few days. There’s little to keep her here at present unless she wants to go to the beach. Otherwise, she appears to spend much of her time in the bar and restaurant chatting or entertaining. There are few here now although I suspect there’s a large family group who come regularly about this time. Once they are gone who knows…

Today’s maximum is 35.8℃ and the minimum 23.4℃ at 08:05 as I was going swimming. Obi is entertaining Isabella with Skinny in the wings. Luis found a little time to entertain her earlier. It’s amusing watching Obi and Luis playing with the bigger dogs as they can both walk underneath them or hide under them! I’m happy for a little tomfoolery at this time as then they will tire themselves out and we’ll have a peaceful night.


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