After an entertaining visit to Walton’s Mountain, I prepared to retire to my boudoir however it was still quite early so I fiddled around outside for a little while, fed the cats and moved the clutter around a bit.

Only Fido got me up in the night but I’d almost forgotten the event it was so unimpressive. With the absence of the barking dog from T2, everyone got a better night’s sleep. I hope they don’t incarcerate that poor animal in that travel crate each night when they are at home.

It was cooler at 04:30, a mere 25℃ which felt positively refreshing. We were walking along the road to the Promontory when my watch told me it was 05:00. There were no cars, only a motorhome parked in the car park. There was, however, something which spooked Skinny who let out a barrage of barking as we neared the location where I tie up the other dogs. It was dark, so I couldn’t see much and didn’t honestly care much either. I took the precaution of borrowing the bark collar from Fido and applying it to Skinny. He’s not a stupid dog, so there was only minor murmurs each occasion we passed that point.

It was getting lighter as we headed out towards the river valley where we passed only one inhabited vehicle as the remainder had packed up and gone home on Sunday evening including the motorhome with the large black dog.

I released the dogs at the mouth of the river so we could walk up the river bed before escaping onto the track to visit VGD who was in no way interested in anyone. We trundled by however it was difficult to keep track of the dogs due to the darkness. The moon has almost given up the ghost as New Moon is three days away. The intensity and angle of the moon together mean there is little usable light. I improved my personal visibility by wearing an old pair of glasses which I could perch on the end of my nose and look over or look through at the remote transmitter display.

We made good time to the 5km turning point where we headed back but left the track a little earlier in case the concrete depot was opening. We needn’t have worried as VGD was still comatose.

Alonáki was deserted, the boat from the weekend had been hauled up the beach and taken home with sundry cars and caravans. Back at the camping, I deposited the dogs and then pedalled off to Krios. No one was there, not even the small hunting dogs, so I was back again before the proverbial Jack Robinson.

It was blowy so no swimming and I’d almost closed my Move Circle and definitely closed my Exercise – this month’s Challenge, hence all the attention. Normally, to close the Excercise Circle it requires 30 minutes to complete. I’m now over halfway through my 4,000 minutes for this month so I’m a little ahead. That said, there is talk of unsettled weather so it’s certainly not in the bag.

I Elevated my brain with my mental training exercises then let out the dogs.

The morning was rather uneventful although I received a call from Maria asking if I had any plant-based milk substitute as she isn’t using animal milk anymore. I suggested Petrakis having replied that I don’t do ‘milk’ in any form.

I saw the postman call and hoped he’d left some of my outstanding Chinese delivery items. A walk to the reception office confirmed a brace of uninspiring bills for the camping. The orifice was deserted as Maria was probably supping coffee at the bar, as for Aris and his partner, I’ve not seen them around so they may have been laid off for the season since there’s barely sufficient work for one at the reception.

The Doggy Dinners occupied some time and today included tomatoes liberated from the communal fridge in the central kitchen. The contents of a container have not altered for quite a while so I suspect it’s safe to assume the customers have deserted it.

The dogs have had their DDs and seemed to enjoy them. They were a little delayed as I scoured the plot looking for a renegade bowl blaming Charlie for carting it off to some secret locations. Oskar, in his eagerness, had shoved it under the camping kitchen unit on the decking so I was looking in the wrong location and blaming the wrong dog!

Janne & Erica have been up to see Steffi and Sascha at Spaniakos. Sascha told me he’d been to church this morning when we communicated earlier. Apparently, he’d gone to make his presence and get in with the locals. The building has recently been refurbished. I’m now told we’ll be going out together on Wednesday to the Old School Restaurant in Anydri.

I sent Heike an email commenting that Isabella is enjoying the premium German dried dog food purchased from her emporium. The main reason for the email was to discover if it would be possible to borrow a couple of traps to catch the two Big Toms so that they may be transported to the vets and made impotent. I’m pretty sure they have passed their seed sufficiently already so their family line is assured. They might just be a little less aggressive too.

I have acquired the first episode of The High Chaparral for my entertainment later, also the first episode of the original Perry Mason series dating back to 1957!

A vision in bright orange has just walked up the main drive and into the reception office. I suspect Maria’s into bright colours as I’ve seen her several times in orange and green. Both very bright!

So, there you have it!


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