What an easy day!

Maria never left yesterday at 18:00 as she expected and I saw the car in the car park by reception at 08:00 today. Shortly after, as I was on my way to Petrakis for some groceries, I received a call. She said she was in a dreadful hurry and was asking me where to leave the keys for the reception. I was standing in a layby on the way to Paleochora so didn’t care. I suggested she put them in my hand as she drove past, which was a mistake. She then told me she had to deliver frozen food to Kountoura before coming into Paleochora for the road to Chania. She said she’d leave them under the pillow in her room. Relief. I mounted my bike and got underway.

I was chatting to Yannis Petrakis as he replenished shelves when the second call came from Maria. I pointed out that I was in the supermarket, I think she told me about changes to the weekend bookings so I asked her to email me the information.

Once back at the camping, I went to make myself known to the customers so they knew who to contact. The German couple who arrived yesterday were very pleasant told me they would stay several days. I suggested they look at my alternative website for some inspiration and mentioned some possibilities.

The Austrian guy who comes each year said he’d be leaving tomorrow so I sent a message to Maria as she’d mentioned a discount to me. She replied with a discounted day rate then called me a few moments to tell me about it. There were a couple of other calls before the one telling me she’d lost her credit card and car documents so would I look in her room and the office. I did this but without success. I also looked in other places in the camping.

I forget how many times I’ve walked to the office and back today! Finally, Tony found the missing items and took them to Manolis, Georgia’s brother who was coming into Chania.

During the day, I’d had exchanges with Bona who told me the people in T1 were now in Z4 and were staying on. Maria explained that someone had booked T1 on Booking.com but she was going to put them in T3 as two families wanted T1-T2.

I escaped for a swim and then had a chat with Erica about her visit to Chania and seeing off Janne at the airport.

I was just about to nosh another corn on the cob when I noticed a car and some people outside reception. I set off to greet them and was nearly there before my phone rang. The people told me they had booked T3 for several days and showed me their email which definitely stated T3.

I took them down to T3 before getting my office keys and then the T3 keys. They discovered there was no crockery or cutlery in T3 so it was me who called Maria this time. Apparently, no eating or cooking materials are to be left in the vans due to COVID regulations however I raked around in one of the storerooms, having located the keys, and cobbled something together.

It transpired that they are not the lot for T3 on Friday but had booked from Tuesday to Sunday next week except they meant to book Thursday to Sunday this week! I moved them from T3 to M6 and left them to get on with it.

I’ve even managed to fit in some IT work and, naturally, we did our walks early morning as usual. Obi even managed to come back for the second day running.

Tomorrow will be busy later on as T1-T3 are booked for the weekend plus anyone who turns up at the gate even though they are not supposed to turn up without prior notice.

I see the full moon rising so will point out that this month is a Blue Moon month as there are two full moons, another at the end of the month. This happens occasionally. It was good to walk in the moonlight this morning and tomorrow should be better as the moon sets a little later and thus has a slightly higher elevation each day. Initially, at least.

I’m going to get something to eat now.

There are some technical upgrades on the website tonight so this blog may reach you a little later.


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