Quality control

There seemed to be a lot of traffic up and down the track which follows the river valley. There was a truck going south and another going north a few moments later. By that time we were walking down the dry river bed back towards the road bridge.

I suspect we’ll stop coming to the river when it starts to flow and go back to walking along the beach again. There will be no FreeLoaders camping on the beach fairly soon and the inmates at the ‘hotel’ will have their windows closed too.

We came face-to-face with the guy who comes in his pickup most mornings to take pictures of the sunrise. He seems to be coming later for some reason. Sunrise was 07:25 and sunset 19:00. He always seems to wave cheerily.

After the walks, I went into Paleochora to the post office to collect a package containing a CCTV camera which had been processing through customs and had arrived at the post office last week but had taken a while for the docket to be delivered. The duty and taxes amounted to €24 which is annoying but not too terrible considering the number of items I’ve received without. The counter clerk was fascinated when I paid using my watch. The camera was ordered from China in May and arrived in Greece only recently.

I took the opportunity to pass by Petrakis where I bought some beetroot as I’d like to try my hand at pickling it. I had a surplus of beetroot the other day so sliced it up and popped it in with some pickled gherkins. As one does. The gherkin container is now empty so I thought I might pickle beetroot in it.

I had to pass the blasting area before 09:00 so didn’t linger long. I had a couple of departures so needed to deal with them anyway. The two lads were sitting around surrounded by their chattels and an empty tent. They were about to eat breakfast before I mentioned the road would be closed at 09:00 so they’d better get a move on if they planned to visit Samaria Gorge that day. They literally threw everything in the car and met me at the office where I grabbed their money before they raced out of the gate. The other departures were going to Iraklion so I’d suggested they go the pretty way via Sklavopoula as they were not in a hurry.

There was only one arrival planned for today but a group of three appeared mid-morning. Maria had warned me they might be coming. They live locally and visit frequently so required little help from me other than taking their contact details for COVID.

Another overdue task was to remove the clutter from the fridge-freezer in the kitchen. Bona had emptied the content of the larger display fridge into it so there was loads of abandoned stuff. I claimed a few beers which will come in handy when Antonis visits. Also, some almond milk which I might try. There was a fair amount of unopened goodies simply abandoned by the punters. Some out of date, which ended up in the garbage. I even acquired a Lidl carrier for my shopping!

Later, a German family with young children arrived to stay in T3 for ten days. I’m hoping the children hit it off with the Swiss boys and they play together. I was glad when the family arrived as then I could slope off into the sea for a while. Unfortunately, I got to fiddling around with my recently acquired camera and time escaped me.

I went next door where I found Janne wrestling with an air-conditioner recently removed from Sascha’s caravan. Sascha no longer requires it as he no longer has mains electricity and running an air-conditioner from a generator is impractical. We extracted the unit from the car and I left Janne fiddling with it. I gave Erica the remote to Isabella’s collar as there’d been a lot of barking and fooling around. Luis had been awarded his necklace. I only spent twenty minutes in the sea purely for quality control purposes as I say to the customers. I was accosted by a German couple on my way back through the camping as they’d seem the mini-market sign at the camping entrance so wondered if it was open. I explained the season had ended earlier than usual and directed them up the road to Vlisithis.

It’s a little later than usual so I need to get inside to produce some food or it’ll be time for bed. Hopefully, Georgia’s dogs won’t bark tonight so the guy nearby won’t complain. I passed his complaint via Maria to Georgia last night so that she should be in no doubt there is a problem. She might do well to get a bark collar like Luis’. I’m certain Luis would be delighted if I gave it away! The three Greeks have pitched their tent adjacent to Georgia’s compound so maybe their presence will mollify the dogs…


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