One arrival

I found myself falling asleep at 21:00 so I was early to bed which is not necessarily a good idea as I tend to wake up earlier anyway. I’d been watching a French action series then migrated over to Jellicoe at Jutland. All very interesting but not after supper time later in the evening.

The morning was cooler so Luis wasn’t panting as much when we arrived at the Promontory. The lumps on the back of my neck bear witness to the fact that the cooler temperature didn’t put off the mosquitoes. We completed our circuits then headed off.

I had to work harder on the river valley section as the dogs were in investigative mode: Obi and Skinny were the main culprits but they came back when summoned. We walked up and down the river bed again however it was quite difficult to keep track of the dogs early on. The moon was bright but the riverbed consists of white-coloured rock so Skinny is difficult to pick out. Isabella is dark so blends into the shadows as she slopes off in search of bones from the carcasses of former goats.

I came back with the same number and left them whilst I cycled off to Krios. Gregor wasn’t there today but I’d already met Janne as he was returning from his morning run and Erica as she was walking back from Krios.

The remainder of the day was taken up with sorting out the customer information sheets for Georgia and balancing the money. There was a new arrival from Switzerland, a man on his own with a large pickup and a tent. I put some washing in the machine for the Beck family who are probably leaving tomorrow.

Janne has been playing with his air conditioner unit and was in the throws of lining the hole in the roof when the stool he was standing on collapsed causing him to cut and graze his arm on the metal edges. I rushed round when I heard him cry out and the dogs were all set to follow me! I poured on some medical alcohol and lent him my metal step stool.

Maria called twice, once to tell me about a customer who would be checking in and the second to say that the customer got cold feet on the pretext it was raining in Chania. This is often the case as it can be pouring in Chania with the streets awash yet bright sunshine at Grammeno. It can also work the other way around. Maybe the woman will come tomorrow…

I made up some Doggy Dinners even though I made some yesterday. This will mean that I won’t have to make any during the weekend in case the camping gets busy like last weekend.

It’s now dark and the mosquitoes are biting my legs and ankles. Janne is still working on his air conditioner and the dogs are somewhere around as I can hear but not see them.

I need to retire within to get something to eat and avoid the biting insects which had a good go already today.


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