Tired out

Once back from Third Eye with my blog written, I went to bed.

The Early Walks were shorter as I needed to go shopping for myself and also for the dogs as there were no more Doggy Dinner ingredients. As a consequence, we walked up the beach after the river walk and straight back to the camping. The Rug happened to be walking alone in the beach car park and Skinny decided to go to say hello quite nicely. The remainder were dutifully heading back across the field towards the camping when suddenly, Fido felt it would be better to lead a charge towards The Rug. Skinny had already been called but feigned deafness so I applied some technological help but to no avail. When I increased the level from 2-4 Skinny then took notice and charged off back down the road making a racket as if he’d just been stabbed. The charge, lead by Fido also came to a sticky end as, with two controllers, I can deal with several dogs at once. The charge quickly lost its impetus amidst lots of yelping, there was an about-turn and they charged back to me. Maybe, next time, they won’t be so keen to rush off after another dog. The Rug couldn’t care less as she’s as daft as a brush and more fur than dog I suspect. She’s a German Shepherd so perfectly capable of dealing with that crowd.

I went into town passing the road widening works which are intended to last for six weeks. Like the rest of the project, I should be more than surprised if it’s completed in twice that amount of time.

Petrakis was full of kiddywinks buying their breaktime nibbles as they were on the way to school. I spent much of my time in the fruit and vegetable section which is of limited interest to children who prefer nasty bags of horrid snacks. I had a good load on as I pedalled back to the camping.

I got my breakfast going as soon as I’d fed the dogs then went for a wander around the camping. I had three departures of whom one had already paid. I discovered from Bona that the German family in T3 are leaving a day earlier as they’re meeting up with friends before flying home at the weekend. They were saying they’d come back next October during the school break.

The remainder of the day was spent with customers, new customers, potential customers or Erica’s tablet or Chromebook. There was also a little administrative catch-up of Georgia’s wonderful sheets. Adding addresses and telephone numbers as well as photos of ID to my spreadsheet system. It would be nice not to have to run a paper system as well as the online booking calendar. Certainly, the online calendar helps reduce the number of phone conversations as well as allow me to show accommodation as occupied and view what is available before offering it to customers.

The day ended with a couple of German guys who were interested in taking one of the small cabins for the final week of their holiday.

Tomorrow will be Janne and Erica’s last day. Today the were out walking and dining in a mountains.


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