They keep coming

I had to get up in the night to move things around outside as it had started to rain. I need to put up the sides but today has been a little busy.

There was a thunderstorm early and also some light rain. My desire to wander around in the darkness with the possibility of heavy rain was overpowered and I remained in my pit listening to the rain on the metal roof above my head. There was little wind so no driving rain. I’d moved peripheral items into the centre to avoid excessive humidity.

There was gentle rain until 08:30 at which point I fed the dogs and had a cup of tea. I wandered the camping as one customer was leaving so took his money then went out with the dogs. We went onto the Promontory where we encountered a couple of maggot-drowners at the end on the rocks. We then walked east towards Paleochora along the beach until we reached the roadworks where they are stabilising the mountain adjacent to the road.

This was the first time I’d been down this way for a long time as previously there were always FreeLoaders on the beaches. Skinny was tempted to run for the hills but returned without additional persuasion when called. Later, he disappeared for a little while but came back with a little, gentle persuasion.

Back at the camping, I started to make breakfast as it was approaching lunchtime. This was when the first of the new arrivals called from the reception. A Romanian family with a caravan. They own a café in Bucarest so are having COVID problems as they are allowed to have customers only on the terrace from now on. They needed Internet access and somewhere to stay for the next couple of weeks so are down next to the bar.

Back to the van to continue with breakfast then a Czech couple with a motorhome arrived to stay for two days or more. They settled near the kitchen as they wanted a clear line-of-sight for their satellite dish. So old technology!

I was just starting my breakfast around 15:00 when some cyclists appeared in the camera. Again, I wandered up to the reception to welcome them. A couple from Switzerland who planned to stay for a night or two. I mentioned the weather would not be that fantastic but they seemed happy to use their tent which they duly pitched near to the beach.

I checked the weather to find it was worse since the last time I’d looked at it so offered them an upgrade to a Small Cabin for an extra €6/night assuming a minimum stay of three nights. They accepted this offer so have now moved into Z6 next to the Romanians in their caravan.

There are more dogs inside again this evening as I have Oskar on one side of me and Charlie on the other. Isabella and Obi still prefer to remain outside albeit on the decking with a couple of blankets under them. Isabella is an outside dog and even when inside lies next to the door. That about sums it up for today. The rain patters once more…

Windy, rainy and cooler but with some sunshine.


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