Dry feet

It was easily possible to ford the rivers as we walked up Alonáki and Plakaki Beaches having completed our brisk spin around the Promontory. I paid special attention not to mislay any dogs today by calling them together more frequently. Luis and Charlie are the main culprits: Charlie disappears off into a parallel universe and disappears from sight, Luis simply has his own agenda so wanders off to explore. Isabella is generally too busy annoying the others or running after birds to wander off. Skinny and Obi tend to stick close by as they don’t like their collars vibrating. Oskar is nearly always nearby and Fido appears behind me out of nowhere.

The only brief excitement was when the Rug accompanied a couple of walkers so attracted the attention of Obi who lead the charge to her location. I just let them run until I heard barking then pressed a few buttons to have them return pretty promptly. I know the guy who just ignores the dogs. I think Skinny and Isabella were not part of this posse as they were otherwise engaged.

We returned to the camping for me to put on the first wash for Timothy George. He’d sent a text earlier to which I responded. Isabella and I went for a walk to Kountoura and met up with Antonis as well as the usual array of barking or curious dogs. He offered me some mushrooms which he’d collected high in the mountains so I look forward to that. He says he has enough work to be getting along with and I mentioned windows to him.

We continued on our separate ways finally arriving back at the camping in time to change over the washing in the machine. The remaining German couple also wanted some washing so I’ve been kept busy today.

I fed the dogs as well as myself in between trips to the washing machine. The day became enjoyably warm and sunny and the wind dropped as forecast. I was almost tempted to go into the sea but then became involved in other things so the moment passed. According to the forecast, we have more wet days to come in the middle of next week with a succession of potentially miserable, wet days.

I fiddled around with some other small jobs which included filling up Isabella’s food container which is very close to her heart. The present food should be delivered to her in two 220gm doses. This is in addition to any rice or Doggy Dinners she has as well. If I was to restrict her only to the suggested quantity of doggy kibble, she’d have something to say!

The welcome sunshine heated up the water so I took the opportunity, when changing from my light shots into my winter ones, to enjoy a long, hot shower. I’d made sure to put on some rice for our respective dinners although I have yet to remember to cook the beetroot languishing in the display fridge in the washing machine room.

There was a brief power cut during the afternoon which interfered with my enjoyment of the music which plays constantly from Radio Paradise. The Internet stopping tells me there is a problem as my power is uninterrupted by outages.

I’ve now fed the dogs and expect them to sleep well tonight as the Doggy Dinners worked out far thicker than I’d expected so I prepared extra rice in compensation. There is the normal amount of bowl-licking as each dog swaps with the other to ensure the last morsel has not been overlooked. The way they carry on, you’d think they’re half-starved!


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