Two Blankets

The night was chilly with a minimum of 12.1℃ so I was glad of my second blanket. The door remains open at night for now at least. Some wetness is forecast for the end of the week which will probably reduce the temperature even more. Isabella spent the night inside however Obi was outside. Isabella joined him in the early hours as she became restless and fidgety so I let her out.

Our walks were pleasant however I was back to wearing both a thin fleece and a thicker one on top. The thicker one became redundant once the sun rose and the day warmed up. We were watched by one of the inmates from the balcony as we passed Plakaki Hotel on our outbound journey but the dogs were behaving nicely and the chicken nicker was close to me. It was very pleasant as we performed our second circuit of the Promontory where someone was doing something with fish in the rocks on the west side.

Isabella and I went for a walk in the sunshine to Kountoura. I was listening to podcasts as we wandered past the various barking dogs. I think it’s good for Isabella to meet other dogs and be barked at as it gives her a broader perspective other than just those she’s grown up with. I’m not sure I’m making inroads into my November Challenge as the daily average remains the same. Tomorrow, I plan to go shopping before the weather changes so I’ll be riding rather than walking.

I had an interesting chat with Nikos, the Greek chap who spent time in Switzerland but is now travelling for a while. He was on the beach enjoying the sunshine as he’s finished his big project so able to relax a while. He says he’s going to write an email in Greek about the barking dogs and send it to the camping’s email address so that Georgia will see it. I explained a bit of the background but I’m certain he understands the Greek Mentality well enough. Being Greek and speaking excellent English, he’s a useful chap as he knows what’s going on with regard to the lockdown so has been charged with updating everyone via the community site. I understand there’s a plan to extend the curfew to 17:00 from 21:00. I feel it’s a little pointless on the islands as it’s virtually unenforceable and there are very few cases here anyway. I’m happy to have the islands isolated from the mainland and other countries however I don’t understand the reason for an unnecessary lockdown. Attica yes, but not here.

There were only a couple of IT tasks to keep me amused today. Mr Lawrence is still working but Inter Sport are not so it’s a little quiet. Embroiderers Guild is mostly online so a lockdown makes little difference.

I sat in the sun and admit to drifting off a while. I then became active, wandered the camping, chatted to punters and did a few small jobs before starting to feed the animals. The general cats are adapting to the change is food but they don’t like it. The others are still having Friskies so notice no difference.

I’d put some rice in the pot for myself and the dogs and this was ready by the time I’d fed the cats. I reserved a little of the daily gloop for the Straggler who I went to feed after the others. He was very appreciative and gobbled it all up.

Feeding him this morning as it was dark this evening.
He’s a little in the thin side. I’ve asked Heika at PAWS if she has anyone going to the vet soon although the dog is not in as bad a condition as I first thought. Just in need of feeding and some TLC most likely.

Antonis had been out fishing with Mr Ammos Beach Bar and arrived as I was feeding him. It was fortunate as I wanted to speak to Antonis about a mechanic he’s hopefully getting for one of the campers who needs some work with his van.

We’re now all tucked up inside the van with only Fido on a blanket on the floor. My left elbow is resting on Isabella’s head which, in turn, is resting on my left leg. I need to get the second part of my mushroom stifado from the Pot and get into some eating.


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