
Another busy day with plenty to do on the Ransomeware Front. My other distractions included two washes, the first of which consisted of heavy items that needed spinning separately. I waste so much time walking back and forth to the washing machine but at least it improves my fitness if not my temper!

We’re moving on with the EG Ransomeware problem although I don’t know the exact extent of the loss. Terry and I had a long conversation regarding the future incarnation of the Guild. This was helpful as it enables me to have a better idea of what will be required in the way of IT and which path to take. He tells me that he is finishing as CEO in December but will still make himself available but on a different basis which doesn’t involve the day-to-day running of the organisation.

I had a long conversation via email with the bookkeeper regarding her laptop and how it can be upgraded as we need to change the way the accounts are handled following the encryption problem as the system was far from ideal.

A lot of the remainder of the day was focussed on finding out if the RansomeWare can be decrypted and it appears that it cannot. We need to see what other backups we have. It’s not an ideal situation.

The first part of the day was the most relaxing as we walked the beaches. It seemed to be a little slow in the morning as I was constantly waiting for the dogs to catch up. The walk culminated with a visit to The Straggler who is still resident at Ammos Beach Bar. The visit went reasonably calmly with Luis showing interest in him but in a non-aggressive way. Luis was the last to catch up so I suspect he went back for another meeting. Luis on his own can be quite sensible so long as he doesn’t have the others to show off to.

Isabella and I went for a walk to Kountoura as I’d decided to postpone my shopping trip to Wednesday morning as the weather should still be reasonable tomorrow.

In between all of this, I prepared the Doggy Dinners and processed them. The result was more gloopy today as it was put together differently. I hope to be able to buy lentils tomorrow as they are the preferred ingredient. The DDs went eight ways as I gave some to The Straggler who I’ve just fed. If the dog had more sense, he’d relocate to the camping as there are plenty of people there to take an interest in him and to feed him.

I was chatting with Franca and Mauro, the Swiss couple in Z6 as I returned from my feeding mission. They were being entertained by the cats, especially the two boys who are brilliant together playing and romping about. They are part of the litter born in March/April.

I’m surrounded by dogs with a particularly large one sprawled on the floor nearby. Fido is curled up on the blanket in the corner by my feet. This is his preferred location as he seems to prefer the floor to the seat. Oskar and Charlie are spread over the majority of the seats while Skinny is curled up tidily on his own.

Dogs inspecting beach kantina.


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