RIP Jim Franks

Earlier this morning, Jim died peacefully at the nursing home in Seaford. His quality of life had seriously deteriorated and he hadn’t been enjoying it for a long time. At ninety-three years and four months he’d had a good innings. He always hated the winter which I think depressed him as it does me. Dying on the Winter Solstice may have been his final protest. He will be greatly missed by us all.

Isabella came to visit me in bed so I had to get up to let her out. Poor Obi then had to bear the brunt of her over-exuberance. The morning was dark due to heavy cloud but not windy nor particularly cold. Oskar declined to join us despite having his collar put on. He came out of the gate and must have changed his mind and doubled back. By the time I realised, I didn’t think it fair on the others to mess around after Oskar.

We went down to the end of the beaches once we’d gone around the Promontory. Once back at Alonáki Beach we cut out the second Promontory walk and went straight back to the van so I could go shopping in Paleochora. It was then than I read the text from Eleanor.

I cycled into Paleochora wishing I’d zipped up my fleece as the wind felt colder than previously. Petrakis was not too busy however one of the freezers was not working so there were no chicken legs for the Doggy Dinners! I had a leisurely ride back now that there are no road closures anymore. The heavy plant parked at the sides of the road was silent so it may be work on the road project will be limited to continuing with the surface of the cycle path and pedestrian way with work on the main carriageway resuming after the holidays.

No sooner had I arrived back at the camping did I receive a call from Samuel who’d delivered a load of washing to the machine. He also brought me his passport which was quaint due to its age. The washing took a while as there was so much of it! I lugged it down to the bar to discover they’d ordered a gas cylinder form Vlisidis which was due to be delivered. I took an empty which I’d given him up to the barrier where the delivery guy was waiting. I only carried the full one a little way before putting it into the wheelbarrow for the remainder of the journey.

By this time, my breakfast was ready and the DDs needed to be put into the pot. I did this and sat down to eat somewhat later than normal.

There was some running around to do dropping Samuel’s passport to the office and putting it with his customer form. I had to revive the boiler once more as Achim had advised me that the water was not very warm.

The day was pretty dull with only a little sun to brighten things up. It has now become windy and much colder so my desire to sit outside is declining rapidly. We’ll know when it’s too cold when Obi sleeps in the van at night.

Today is the Winter Solstice so the shortest day for the year. Only another eighty-eight days and it will be the Spring Equinox.

Mostly cloudy and now becoming windier and chillier


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