End to lockdown?

Skinny and Isabella jointly welcomed me to the day but kindly retired to a safe distance when I wished to get up. They were the first out of the starting gate, just for a change. Having fed a number of pussies, I assembled the troops and we set off across the field just before 07:00.

The day was pleasantly light so I was able to consign my headtorch to my pocket almost immediately. The dogs seemed a little distracted so I had to round them up before continuing. We walked the rocks over to the causeway and then down Alonáki Beach towards Plakaki. The wind was still very much from the east so there was a renewed collection of plastic debris which I noted as we walked up.

Strangely, for a Sunday morning just after the New Year during a pandemic, there were few people about except for a fisherman who Isabella had already spotted and gone to introduce herself to. He was still calmly fishing so I suppose the introduction was not too intrusive.

The dogs explored the beach and the river which now has no standing water just a little mud to make footprints in. Rain is forecast for tomorrow so that situation may change. We turned about at Plakaki and retraced our steps. This time I was collecting up the rubbish we’d spotted on the outbound journey.

By the time we reached the car park, I had a good collection of rubbish although not as much as the previous day. I deposited it in the waste container and washed my hands.

The dogs were still nearby so we embarked on our second sweep of the Promontory. The fisherman had left his initial location and was walking over the rocks in search of hungry fish. Isabella went to reintroduce herself but I called her back as I’m a meany.

Another walk over the rocks with a stop at the highest point where we took a moment to admire the sea and the distant mountains. By this time, the dogs were keen to go back for breakfast as 09:00 was beckoning.

I fed them immediately then sat down a while before receiving a message from Samuel asking to use the washing machine. I walked over to discover the water boiler had stopped working so busied myself getting it to work again so the punters would have hot water for their showers. Samuel arrived with small daughter strapped to his chest, a large bag of washing in his arms. I suggested that children shouldn’t be placed in the machine so he loaded his dirty washing instead.

Moments later, Nikos called over to ask for the machine so I had to tell him it was taken. I walked back over to continue with my breakfast preparations.

A while later, I emptied the machine and called Nikos to put in his wash before walking down with a large bucket-full to leave it for Samuel to deal with.

At this point, my breakfast was cooked so I got down to eat it. Shortly after, Nikos’ washing was ready so I called him down to collect it.

The remainder of the day was taken up with relaxation in the sun and adding a new logo to LBS’ email signature. There was a certain amount of doggy activity as there were other dogs and people on the beach and nearby.

We are told that the current lockdown has been extended until 11 January which could indicate some relaxation in the rules from then on. In contrast, Greece, like other nations has strengthened its CoVID requirements for anyone travelling from the UK. A PCR test before arrival in Greece, a rapid test on arrival followed by a ten-day quarantine and yet another PCR test on the tenth day. Methinks they’re taking this seriously…

The morning was warm so I even discarded a jumper! Plenty of sunshine during the day but rain forecast for tomorrow.


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