Angry sea

A light smattering of rain on the roof in the early hours made me turn over to go back to sleep. The forecast is for rain today however nothing of consequence has materialised so far…

The sea has been quite angry since last night as the wind was easterly but now seems more southeasterly. Some large waves were rolling up Grammeno Beach as I was saying goodbye to Samuel earlier.

Some of the dogs didn’t seem in too much of a hurry to get out the door this morning. It may have been the threat of rain.

Despite the banks of cloud to the east, the morning was clear and light not that the moon made much difference at that time. We gathered at the entrance of the Promontory and then headed to the end and a trip over the rocks. Charlie was unsure about crossing the causeway due to the noise from the sea but the waves were not breaking over at that point.

The wind was blowing down Alonáki Beach making it difficult to walk. Some more rubbish was stranded on the beach but not as much as lately. I picked it up as we came back later and deposited in the bin.

One more tour of the Promontory and we were back at the camping ready for breakfast. I popped out to see if the hot water boiler was still working before feeding the dogs. The wind has a tendency to make it misbehave.

With breakfast over, the day remained dull and cloudy with quite a chilly wind.

I wanted to finish off the email signatures at LBS so contacted Caroline to turn on the computer which presumably had been switched off over the Holidays. I dealt with the email then some updates as there were some important fixes outstanding. The computer is still updating…

Inter Sport was still unable to access their new website from within the store so I contacted the website manager to get some additional DNS settings. Everything is working as expected now.

Samuel and family have left again after eleven nights at the camping. He says they may probably return.

The Evening Walk was in the dark again although I didn’t need my torch once my night vision started working. We wandered up to the end of the Promontory where the sea is white with foam as the waves crash into the rocks and each other. I could see the water running over the causeway so we went back an easier route.

Luis was late coming back yesterday at the end of the walk so found himself sitting the wrong side of the gate whilst the other dogs were being served their food. Strangely, all of the dogs returned promptly this evening

The forecast rain is now falling gently on the decking. For some reason, Luis and Isabella prefer to stay outside in the rain.


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