Tree pruning II

I should have worn fewer garments as it was another unbelievably warm morning again. There had been a shower in the night which has temporarily reduced the temperature but most of the evidence had disappeared so the sand on the Promontory was hardly damp.

The sky was cloudy so it took a little longer to get light but I didn’t need the torch before we left the Promontory and continued on up Alonáki Beach. The guy who comes in his truck to photograph the dawn sky decided he’d rather stay in bed as he was not there.

The dogs enjoyed their exploration of the beach whilst I concentrated on nothing in particular, at least on the outward journey. On the way back, I collected up some plastic rubbish washed up on the shoreline. I tried to encourage the dogs to help but they were too busy except for Isabella who carried a bottle a short way before abandoning it.

I carried as much of the rubbish as I could then returned to pick up the remainder before continuing onto the Promontory for the second circuit. This was a more leisurely affair than earlier for me and for the dogs. None of us had much energy to race around. Except, of course, you know who…

We’d made good time at the start however it was 09:30 before we were back at the camping for some breakfast.

The sun struggled to break through the clouds so the battery was charged up enough for another night at least. I went to the office to meet Eva who was collected Maria’s Athens Card but she didn’t show up at the appointed time so I took the opportunity to Elevate my brain whilst waiting. It was not long after I was back at the van that Eva turned up apologetically.

I ate breakfast, watched a couple of interesting videos then fell asleep until woken by Luis barking at one of the cats.

I thought I would spend some time going through early emails to fill the gaps in my blog posts. In fact, much of the remainder of the day was doing this. Subscribers may have received a number of emails.

The latter part of the afternoon involved pruning the remaining branches from the carobs by the fence south of the decking. I’d already cut back the ones on my side of the fence leaving the others for another day. Today was that day!

There are still more branches I’d like to cut but these are from the large carob next to the storeroom. This is definitely getting well out of hand and requires some drastic attention.

We went out later for the Evening Walk as I was still clearing up after the pruning event. They’ve now stuffed their faces and looking forward to going inside no doubt.

A warm but quite dull day. Good for pruning…


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