Warm winter

It was so warm during the night that I even threw off my blankets!

We set off on our walk in darkness with a little wind to help us on our way. The wind had got up during the night as a towel was on the line flapping and shaking the van as one end of the washing line is tied to the rear of the van.

Most of the dogs were pretty energetic however Charlie always seems to be in a world of his own so I have to stop to be sure he’s still with us. Today, he managed to keep up quite well for a change with just the occasional prod from me.

I wanted to get back as I needed to go shopping in Paleochora as the next few days are likely to be wet so I put the dogs in the van and set off.

The shop was not very busy so I was able to complete my purchases and just about able to transport everything I’d bought back. The bags were overloaded and bulging. I’d bought a 5kg bag of flour amongst other things.

The workers are back continuing with the road project as they were getting the machines to the site as I rode into town. They were working hard when I came back just after 09:00. Fortunately, there are no longer daily closures.

I released the dogs and fed them then put away the shopping and started with my breakfast and the Doggy Dinners. The morning was starting to get warm so I parted with some layers.

I noticed that the postman had visited so walked to the office to see what there was. I was expecting a small package and found a docket in the letter box.

I wanted my breakfast and needed to know that the postman was back from his round so waited until 13:15 before going back into Paleochora to pick up my package.

The wind was a little stronger than earlier and it was a lot warmer so it was fortunate that I was wearing a T-shirt and light fleece as I was already overdressed! A few people were waiting at the postoffice but my small package with out the front so I just signed and left.

Even though I’d already visited Petrakis I went to pick up a big bag of rice and a sink plunger to hopefully unblock my kitchen sink. €2 for a sink plunger so I’m the last of the big spenders!

The way back was easier as the wind was behind but a trench was being dug so the road was blocked for a few minutes. I looked out to sea and stood in the warm sunshine as I waited. The machines eventually cleared the way so we continued our respective journies.

What was left of the afternoon was taken up with messing around with a Raspberry Pi and finishing off the Doggy Dinners.

It’s getting dark, the wind is still with us so I’d better put on my boots to take the dogs on their second walk. Their rice is not ready yet so it’s going to still be a little hot for them when we get back.

Today’s high was 23.4℃. The weather will become unsettled from tomorrow.


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