
The weather station has been relocated to the corner post of the fence as it’s no longer possible for it to live in the field next door. I needed to extend the pole slightly.

The forecast was for a wet start which fortunately didn’t materialise. I waited a few moments before rising then got dressed and went outside. It was warm and there were signs of dampness from the previous evening. The clouds looked a little daunting but then I worked out that the weather was from the south so the daunting clouds didn’t matter as they were moving away.

The sea, however, was a different matter as we discovered as we stood on the rocks. The wind was shoving it into the rocks and it was really quite confused and angry. We didn’t even attempt to cross the rocks and causeway as we would have got wet for sure.

Even though it was still dark and there were clouds to the east, I was still able to see without my torch due to the reflected light from the clouds.

We walked down Alonáki Beach with some charging about by the dogs which just involved lots of running for no apparent purpose as far as I could make out. The stream was now an inland lake with nothing flowing into the sea. The sea was nevertheless pushing water up into the stream as Fido discovered as he was crossing it. I skipped out of the way.

On the way back, I collected a large glass bottle and some very unexciting plastic waste as well as a few plastic bottles. The garbage men had recently emptied the waste disposal receptacle. From there to Gramméo Beach and to the Big Beach where more plastic debris awaited me. By now it was still windy but becoming sunny and more enjoyable.

We walked up to the highest rocky point amidst the spray blowing up from the rocks. Standing for a short while looking southwards, it was definitely not going to be possible to cross the causeway and remain dry so we headed back the way we’d come.

The sky was clearing from the south as predicted by the forecast as we walked back down the Promontory collecting the bottles I’d thrown up the beach on the way back. My second delivery to the rubbish bin that day.

Men were working at the new-build but I didn’t see the machine which had cleared the field so assume it must have been taken away as the work appears to be complete. Just a matter of disposing of all the shrubbery… Enter Xanthippos.

We crossed back over the field and the dogs were delighted by all of the new opportunities and smells. Luis was the last one in as I discovered once I’d closed the field gate.

Things were calmer today as there was no activity in the field.

The electricity went off at around the time specified in the notice posted a few days ago. The outage was for Panorama, Kountoura and Grammeno but not Paleochora. It came back again slightly later than expected not that it bothered me other than for the WiFi Internet access.

The sun was quite warm so I exposed my torso and cut my hair. Isabella very tidily decided to eat everything that fell to the decking. Canis Omnivorous! I then went for a hot shower in the cubicles to wash away all the hair. That makes two showers in less than twenty-four hours as I had one last night at bedtime!

I fixed an extension to the corner post so was able to mount the weather station up there. It’s not such a good location as the field but it will do.

More cats are coming into the pussy enclosure to eat which caused some excessive doggy interest and barking until I started handing out prizes in the form of their remote collars. I’m going to put them on for their walk shortly so now have fewer to worry about when the time comes.

Tomorrow looks sunny but Monday and Tuesday are forecast as showery but with only a small amount of precipitation. The next few days should be dry and sunny with warmer temperatures.

I plan to do some washing tomorrow as it’s been a while since I’ve done any due to the unfavourable weather.

The nights are getting shorter as, at 06:10, it is still light. I shall get the dogs prepared in a few moments so we can go for the Evening Walk which was rained off last night.

There was a man washing his car using the hose on the beach. Cheeky I thought. The dogs wandered past him each ignoring the other. It was a mild walk but the sea was still too rough to be crossing the causeway so we went inland. The man washing his car had left when we came back. Dogs now fed and my supper is in the Pot. The delights of the evening await!

Definitely warmer than yesterday with a top temperature of 21.5℃. The weather station has been moved around a little recently but now in its new home.


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