Only a month

With our late-night walk out of the way, we were able to have some food then withdraw for the evening. The gas heater warmed the place up admirable and I even had to turn it down at one point. I amused myself with another murder from the Caribbean and have now worked my way through to series two.

The night warmed up so I even started to feel a little warm under my duvet. The alarm went and we were out on the Promontory and then down to Plakaki. With only short walks yesterday and no evening walk the day before, the dogs were full of energy so the pace was rapid both directions up the beach.

At least the sun was on the horizon and there were far fewer clouds than the past couple of days. The northerly wind was bitingly cold so I would have done better with a thicker jacket. Fortunately, I had wooly things I could pull down over my hands but found my gloves before going to Krios on my bike.

It was chilly riding my bike but I warmed up on the hilly bits through the greenhouses. I certainly wasn’t up for a quick trip to Sklavopoula seeing the snow up there and with the northerly wind from that direction!

There was no one at Krios so I hastened back to Grammeno arriving around 09:00. The Krios ride was in case I didn’t go into Paleochora later.

I released and fed the dogs then started my breakfast preparation and the Doggy Dinners. The plan was to go into Paleochora for some more interesting cat food as they’ve had far too much of the stuff they don’t like. It was cold and windy so I wasn’t planning to go in unless I could be sure that Heike would be there. I went to the office to check the mailbox where I found a docket for me and one for Nikos. He also had a small packet. There was even a letter for the camping.

I sent a message to Heike but it was some while before she responded so it was after 13:30 by the time I left. She would be at the shop until 14:00 and then I could go to the post office to collect the parcel which has taken nearly one month to come from England.

Heike had two possible flavours of cat food which worked out at €1.50/kg, so €30/bag which was an €18 improvement on Friskies. I just needed to make sure they’d eat it before buying a lot of it. I took 10kg of cat food and 10kg of Isabella food as she would need some before long as well.

I started to head back and stopped at the post office to collect my parcel. I was the only customer so the service was rapid. I hopped back onto my bike and continued towards Grammeno. The wind was against me on the way out so should have been behind me on the way back however it didn’t seem to be. I gave myself a little additional help as I had 20kg of pet food at the rear.

The dogs were not making any noise as I approached the camping however I suspect that might not always have been the case. The next half hour or so was taken up feeding the cats and sorting out their food. If they take to this pussy fodder, I’ll get more.

I’d been meaning to consolidate and dispose of the various boxes received with the Sportdog kit I’ve been slowly amassing recently. With the latest delivery, I have one remote collar per dog and even a spare. There is also a spare remote if I need one. I have many more chargers than I’m going to need so will store them until such time as I might need a replacement. There are three types of charger: one for the smaller collars, one for the larger ones and one for the bark collars which for some reason, require a different design. The handsets are charged with the corresponding collar charger.

By now, it was time to put on the doggy rice and retire inside to write my blog as the sun was over the carob tree and it was too cold to be sitting outside.

It’s now nearly dark so we’ll go out for a quick walk, they can have their food and that will be that for another day.

The walk was exceedingly rapid as it was very cold despite the wind having moderated considerably. The moon was out accompanied by a sky-full of stars. If it had been warmer, I would have admired the sky.

The dogs all came back to the camping pretty much together as maybe even they thought it was cold. The actual temperature now is 7.8℃ something like 10℃ cooler than usual.

Sunny and warm so long as you’re out of the wind and in the sunshine. The battery was all charged up around 13:00


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