Winter returns

Ursula was up with the lark and on her way to the horsepiddle to discover it was a false start and her second knee operation was unable to take place as scheduled. Hopefully, it will not be too long. Ursula was naturally very disappointed.

Another windy morning walk but not actually chilly enough to warrant putting on a coat. It was simply a matter of keeping going. As well as being windy, it was very cloudy so the sunrise was a bit of a disappointment. Only Charlie was lagging behind as we retraced our steps down Alonáki Beach. He caught up by the time we reached the entrance to the Promontory.

I wasn’t paying proper attention when we came back so Oskar found himself going through the camping and finishing off any remaining cat food within reach. Good luck with that! I let him in the other gate before setting off for Krios.

It was very windy at Krios however the wind didn’t put off a couple of young chaps who were preparing to go spear-fishing which is very popular although currently illegal during lockdown. Why, I have no idea.

I didn’t stay long and was soon riding back to Grammeno buffeted by the strong wind. Like the previous day, I was glad to be back.

The sky was still grey so I didn’t open the tent up as it was too cold with the mostly northerly wind. I fed the dogs then prepared food for myself. I sat inside with my laptop as it was too windy and chilly to sit under the awning. There’s a huge gap between the van and the awning for the wind to blow through.

I was quite busy during the day but stayed inside with most of the dogs although Isabella decided to sleep in the chair on the decking. She’d been swimming so now there’s a salt mark where it has dried onto the fabric.

The phone rang from a mystery foreign number which turned out to be a couple with a motorbike and a tent who are currently in the southeast of the island. They wanted to know if the camping is open and the price to stay. I’ll make them an offer they can’t refuse on one of the cabins if they eventually arrive.

Nikos contacted me later to say he’d like to come to walk the dogs later so I had the pleasure of his company which made a nice change. We bumped into the German couple with the little boy. They were at the end of their evening walk. We had a brief chat as Isabella ran around wildly burning off some of her excessive energy. Nikos commented that it would seem I keep the dogs tied up and only walk them once a week. I think it might also be something to do with the food.

We had a good walk around, including the rocks, then went back to the camping. Nikos returned to his van whilst I fed the dogs.

Only Obi is outside as the rest are sleeping off their supper as the fan heater warms up the van.

Cloudy with a cold northerly wind but some sunshine later in the day.


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