Farty Cauliflower-Dogs

It was deceptively chilly for the first part of the morning walk as the wind was back from the north. I managed to mislay Oskar as we left the Promontory so he remained absent for the beach part of the walk but was waiting as we walked back towards the Promontory. Skinny and Isabella went racing off to greet him followed by Charlie with Obi just behind him. Luis and Fido didn’t seem to be able to spare the energy.

We all walked the Promontory again then returned to the camping whereupon I put all but Isabella inside before setting off for Krios.

Nikos was almost ready to leave other than to pick up some food left in the fridge. I wished him a good journey and went to find my bike.

I’d charged the bike battery so the hill up through the greenhouses was easier than the previous day. The young, brown dog was waiting near the top of the road so I stopped to pet him before turning left along the top road which looks down on the greenhouses below.

Gregory and dogs were accompanied by the guy who runs the beach bar. He’d come to do some jobs as he slowly gears up for the new season. The sky was still very cloudy so not anything like as pleasant and Sunday morning. We chatted a while and I returned to the camping.

It seemed a little strange not seeing Nikos’ van parked under the shading as I rode back into the camping. I later worked out that he’d been in residence for 112 of the 122 days. Not a record but quite a while.

I got on with feeding the dogs and the morning activities. I know it wasn’t going to be much of a day so didn’t bother to open up the awning tent other then for exit purposes.

I had a couple of support calls from Richard at Inter Sport who tells me it will be another five weeks before the stores are able to open! I asked him how we was surviving and suggested he might sell his children into slavery and put his wife on the streets.

I wandered to the office to remove three pieces of mail from the mailbox. One was an electricity bill which I knew would be of interest due to the ongoing dispute. I decided to scan the bill and send it to Maria as she’s the bill-payer-in-chief.

The dogs were interested to see a figure wandering around next door and then outside the storeroom. I later spoke to Alice, the Italian woman, to discover she was looking for the pregnant cat as she’d not seen her for a couple of days. I assured her that the cat was alive and well but still carrying her payload. Apparently, their ferry leaves on Wednesday so they might decide to stay Tuesday night and go straight to the ferry from the camping.

Georgia called me later to discuss the electricity meter and asked me to read it. It’s a new meter that was put in when the three-phase feed was installed. Georgia said that the bill is divided into peak and off-peak so could I give her both figures. It was only when I looked at the meter, I discovered how complicated it is to the uninitiated. None of this reading the little dials business but different reading flash up in a set sequence. I took photos of all the screens so that I could study them later and reconcile them with the readings on the bill.

This proved harder than I’d thought as there were seven screens to choose from. Some I could eliminate as there were too few digits. Then I learned about the illustrious world of OBIS codes having downloaded the thirty-odd page manual for the meter, which is made in Lithuania. The manual is very technical but in perfect English unlike the Gringlish or Chinglish we so often see. It’s quite an important piece of kit so I suppose it’s a good idea to get it right.

Looking elsewhere on the Web I was able to look up the OBIS codes relevant to this operation and discovered that 1.8.0 is the total energy consumed and 1.8.1 – 1.8.5 are for a variety of different tariffs. The screens I photographed had only 1.8.0 – 1.8.2 making life easier. I deduced that the lower of the tariffs would be for the night and knew that 1.8.0 was the total of the two. Georgia has no idea of how much effort I went to in order to provide her with these readings and to work out which was which. Still, I learned something new in the process…

It was coming up for 17:00 so I went inside to put on the Doggy Rice and make something for myself.

When I made the Doggy Dinners yesterday, Isabella was hanging around hoping I might drop something on the floor which she would then hoover up immediately. As she never has anything to eat and she’d just eaten her breakfast, I felt sorry for her so gave her some of the leaves from the cauliflower I was in the process of trimming. Since then, she has been a bit of a farty cauliflower-dog.

The dogs are inside as the weather is not entirely favourable outside. I have prepared some lentils which will later incorporate some cauliflower. There were more trimmings from the cauliflower so I offered some to Isabella. knowing she would seize the opportunity, then to Skinny and finally, surprisingly, Luis who is turning into a bit of an omnivore. Fortunately, there wasn’t much to go around so the level of fartiness should hopefully not be too great. In any event, I’m going to eat the lentils with garlic and cauliflower so I suspect to be able to give as good as I get.

It has been raining as predicted by the forecast so my desire to go wandering around in the dark on the Promontory with the opportunity of getting wet is waning by the moment. However, the dogs are very persuasive so we’ve been for a quick jaunt around the Promontory.

Rather cloudy with showers later in the day. Hopefully, tomorrow will be sunnier.


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