The sound of the sea to my left intruded on my blissful slumbers so I guessed the wind had turned to the east. The sea was quite agile as we walked up Alonáki Beach.

There was spray in the air so I thought briefly that it was a rain shower as the sky was so cloudy. However, the moon did its best.

The river which crosses the beach was wide and fast which didn’t put off most of the dogs however it was too deep for me to cross without getting my ankles wet. We played in the water and the dogs raced around before heading back to The Promontory for the second circuit.

The German family, who were absent for a night, had returned and today have been joined by two other motorhomes, one of which is the single guy who came to look at the camping a week or so ago. The weather is good at the moment so wild camping is quite easy. The forecast is for more unstable weather next week which might bring them into the camping for a couple of days.

I went to Krios having spoken to Maria briefly about the photos she wanted of the electricity meter. Tony turned up with a newspaper which was to prove the date or something but I was going out the gate so stuffed it in the mailbox.

Gregory taking a photo of the waves – guess where and when!

On my return from Krios, I went to try to take some photos of the meter using the newspaper as evidence. I’d installed an app which prints the date, time and location onto the photos which I thought would be good enough anyway. All this palaver for a meter reading!

I fed the dogs and prepared my breakfast then caught up with some emails and other minor admin. The clouds had begun to disperse so I opened up the tent and the dogs conveniently went to sleep. It’s possible that I may have joined them at one point.

I wandered down to see if the Italians had decided to stay having seen no activity from their area. I found them on the beach where we were soon joined by a number of cats. We chatted about cats and animals in general. A guy from one of the motorhomes was heading towards the camping entrance so I called him over to ask him what he wanted. He was enquiring about the washing machine so returned later with a big bag of washing and a small boy. I explained that children were not allowed in the washing machine as it blocks the pump. He was a cute, inquisitive kid who was investigating everything although the cats were having none of it.

I put on the wash then returned to the van to check on the dough which had been sitting in the sun to rise. I turned on the oven to heat it up but was then called away as Stephanie had arrived to share the news that her mother had passed away in hospital early last week. We chatted a while, I check the washing machine and put the bread in then Stephanie left as she needed to get back before dark.

The washing finally finished so I was able to empty the machine and get a quick shower before removing the bread from the oven prior to walking the dogs.

The sea is still rough so we contented ourselves with a walk which didn’t include the rocks for a change. The motorhomes were all lit up as the inhabitants prepared their evening meals and the dogs passed by unnoticed.

The sea is calming a little as the wind has decreased and it’s certainly not cold as I’m sitting outside writing this. The dogs are in as I was fed up with them rushing off to bark at the cats or anything else that made the slightest sound.

Time for something to eat I suppose.

Sunny and warm despite the wind. The beach was very pleasant.


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