A visitor

My week began with Luis growling at Isabella as he defended some horridness which he’d probably recently thrown-up and he didn’t wish for her to take from him. This was around 05:10 so I gave up the unequal struggle, checked the weather forecast then got out of bed. Much to the relief of Skinny who was anxious to go outside for an important engagement. I got dressed and joined them.

The sky was very murky and the forecast had warned me of a 47% possibility of rain however it was too warm for a coat. To save any suspense, I can report that it didn’t rain during our Early Walk which completed without incident.

Menacing sky over Paleochora

We were back early due to our prompt start so I headed off to Krios for my regular jaunt. No one was there so I sat alone in the sun to elevate my brain and check my messages. I wasn’t sure if Gregory would be coming so started off back down the road until I met up with him and his dogs. We chatted briefly and I continued on to Grammeno.

It was getting windier but it was from the west making the return journey very speedy. I removed the battery from the bike and put it on the charger as otherwise I risked forgetting and finding myself in bother then next time I went to go for a ride.

The thick clouds had almost disappeared so I indulged myself by sitting on my chair in the sun once I’d fed the dogs. If it wasn’t for Luis’ interruption, I would have slept longer but felt I should be getting on with my day seeing as it was now 11:30.

I made brunch, as it was too later for breakfast – same meal, different title. I’d not long finished when Juergen arrived as arranged. Naturally, it was only at the last minute I remembered whereupon we adjourned to the comfort of the community room where we could sit on chairs out of the weather and in the warm. It is probably the longest single period I spent in that room and can confirm that it insulates out the weather very nicely. I suddenly noticed it was raining so rushed off to put my bike into the storeroom, close up the awning tent and take in the dog blankets which were now somewhat wet. The latter are now drying on the line.

Juergen left around 17:00 so I returned to the dogs and to deal with a small IT matter for Simon. I then got into feeding cats and doggy rice as well as finding some material for Juergen who will return tomorrow before leaving for Germany until mid-May, he hopes.

The doggy blankets have been on the van floor for a considerable time but it was Luis’ event that encouraged me to remove them and around 50kg of sand. I took the opportunity to sweep, vacuum and wash the floor as well. Hopefully, the blankets will be dry for tonight. I spent a while bashing them to remove ingrained dust and doggie hairs. There is absolutely no fear of them being much cleaner so they will still retain their usual doggy odour which I’m certain will cancel out any smell of the cleaner I used on the floor.

The forecast is for further rain at about this time so I may need to consider the weather before rushing out with the dogs as I don’t want them to get wet at this time of the day.

There were a few guys with pickups on the beach just opposite the exit from the field who were just leaving so the first part of the walk was a bit of a nightmare. If I’d left only a couple of minutes later they would have all gone. A couple of the motorhomes have returned to the car park since this morning of which one has a dog which was outside. After that, all was plain sailing as we galloped around the promontory. A strong wind never helps to reduce excitement.


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