Winter’s over

I ended up leaving my fleece on a tree branch and nearly forgetting to pick it up on the way back. For a change, nearly every dog was present at nearly every biscuit distribution point although I was keeping an eye on Oskar. He likes to wander off down towards the camping if I don’t change his course for him. Charlie is pretty much the same.

Our walk was uneventful so we were back in good time as I had lots to do: breakfast to prepare, Doggy Dinners to prepare and cook as well as washing to put into the machine. I did the washing first, followed by the breakfast and then the Doggy Dinners. I reckoned the washing would be done by the time I’d done the breakfast and the DDs and even drunk a cup of tea!

Having hung up the washing, I rode to Paleochora just to see that it was still there. And it is, or was at that time. Probably, someone might have told me if it’d disappeared since. There was some wind but nothing to worry about other than it didn’t seem too sure of which way to blow.

Back at the camping, I released and fed the dogs after I’d taken out the breakfast and put on the DDs. It was getting on for 10:00 by this time so good to sit down to eat for a little while.

It was warm and sunny so a chunk of the morning evaporated. I’ve not really achieved that much due to all of the other jobs including washing the spinach which I omitted to mention. The DDS were ready so I processed them and cleared up.

Michael, the new guy in reception came to ask me a couple of questions about his laptop so we agreed to meet up in the office at 15:00. He couldn’t find the caps lock key (ctrl+search on a ChromeBook) and was unable to add columns in Google Sheets.

I was alone in the reception at one point but could hear the crinkly of paper. George had made himself comfortable in a wicker bread basket I put on a low shelf at the back of the office. I think no one knew he was there. I certainly didn’t until he gave his position away. It’s good that he’s becoming a more friendly and chilled cat not fighting constantly and getting injured.

I looked up the caps lock mystery and sorted out the spreadsheet problem too. I felt I deserved a swim for my efforts, Erica and Janne were out and the sea was at the end of the garden so to speak.

I was in for around 15 minutes and just swam out to the deep water and back again. There was a RIB with an outboard I was keeping my eye on. The only other noticeable feature was some teenage boys playing on the beach. One I mistook for a girl due to his breasts! A change of diet might not go too far wide of the mark.

I was walking up and saw Janne and Erica enjoying some afternoon tea in the shade. The three kittens were racing around madly whilst the mother enjoyed the freedom of not having to supervise them.

Very relaxed pussy – the most advanced of the three
Pussies playing vigorously

Having paid homage to the pussies, I returned to the now-silent dogs to take down the washing, make my bed and store my winter bedding and clothes away. Winter is now over!

There is the sound of a machine close by so I expect it’s the bulldozer on the beach. All will be revealed in the morning.

Warm and sunny with a little wind early on


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