Power outage

A much fresher morning with a little wind. I even considered putting on my T-shirt but managed with it wrapped around my neck. Once the sun starts coming up, the temperature rises quite quickly.

There were no unforeseen excitements until the very end of the walk when Dexter brought his mistress to see us. We both had something to do mindful of the impending power outage, so our interaction was shorter than the day before. Dexter, who is not an American Pit-bull, was a sissy and didn’t wish to go play with the others. He preferred to roll in the dirt and have me pet him. We parted and I took the dogs back to the camping dragging them away from their important activities nearby.

I’d not fixed a problem for Simon and knew the power would go off leaving me only my phone to connect to the outside world. I needed to get this done so turfed Isabella out of my chair and sat down with a cup of tea to get on with it. I took the opportunity to download the newspaper so I’d have something to do between 09:00 and 15:00.

I rode into Paleochora via Panorama and then to the PAWS puppies for a quick tummy rubbing session. I rode past Petrakis without stopping so was soon swimming from Alonaki Beach. I amused myself watching a man and his motorhome. I’d seen it earlier as it was parked further up near to another. This one has a large semi-trailer on the back which is probably full of beer and sausages looking at the size of the man’s frontal protrusion. Even from a distance I could see he was almost ready to give birth. He drove his van up towards the public toilets and managed to stagger the last few metres with his toilet cassette to empty it into the toilet. He left the engine running as otherwise the air conditioning would have stopped and it might have been slightly warm in his cab. He finally drove off to pastures new.

I extracted myself from the water and rode back to the dogs. Only Isabella and Charlie were out as they manage to remain quiet whilst I’m out. I found Skinny out the other day and can confirm that he exits the van via the rear window which is quite a drop to the ground. But then he’s long and skinny.

I fed them and replenished Isabella’s food containers as they were getting low. I then made tea and sat down for a bit of a rest. The power was already off as I could hear the sound of the generator when I was swimming off Alonaki. Without the power, there’s no broadband Internet which reduces the possibilities for working.

Nevertheless, I phoned Colin Lock in Haslemere to discuss his wife’s laptop then read the previously download news and other enlightening texts. I Elevated my brain and retraced my steps with my meditation sessions as I’d not successfully completed the last two. I don’t manage to stay awake if I leave the session until late.

I decided to try to tackle some of Charlie’s dreadlocks and give him a good brushing. It’s a work in progress as he soon gets bored although he let me brush him this evening as well. I also brushed Fido who cannot get enough of being brushed as well as Isabella. I was surprised at how much there was to remove from her considering she has such short hairs. Luis kept rolling on his back when I tried to brush him and Oskar wasn’t having any of it. Considering the state he’s in, Charlie is very tolerant.

The day was quite cool to begin with so the fan was on blow but without evaporative cooling. As the afternoon arrived, it felt much warmer so is now in cool mode with me and a few dogs in front of it.

It’s been a very calm day as yesterday was more adventurous with a longer walk and a chunk of the day spent in the reception fooling with the WiFi. Certainly, today has been far more relaxing.

Warmer than yesterday, sunny and still as the day progressed. The revised forecast is that it will become warmer over the next few days but still cool at night.


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