15 August – Yes!

No major disturbances in the night other than Luis and Fido charging around after some smaller rodent and the small child on the other side of the fence entertaining his parents at different times in the night; they must be very patient.

Another session of loafing around in bed all day as it was just before 05:30 when I stepped outside onto the decking. We crossed the field about fifteen minutes later.

No cars were immediately visible on the beach although I counted eleven parked in the beach car park. From that number, we encountered one large dog in the vicinity of the Large Rock. The dog barked, my lot rushed off to explore and returned moments later. Job done!

The remainder of the walk was uneventful except that it was still windy and my T-shirt remained attached to my torso. Kostas was pouring water into hollows when we arrived and when we left.

The dogs were deposited in the van so I went for a bike ride up the mountain to the top and then around and about in downtown Paleochora. I checked out the progress of the new villas next to the sport track and field, made friends with one of the older dogs by feeding it some biscuits, then made my way back with a following wind. It was still too windy/rough to be swimming which is why I covered nearly 20km during my ride.

Following all the activity of yesterday, today was the exact opposite with very little of any note other than some IT stuff for Colin Lock in Haslemere. Other highlights involved picking up poo and watering the plants. The remainder of the day was spent doing little except for some YouTube videos and reading stuff.

It seems that Heraklion has gone red too. How long until Rethymno feels left out and joins in? No one lives in the east so they will probably go green before long.

The wind has continued to blow all day after a reasonably quiet night. The forecast is for it to become calmer tomorrow. I didn’t count the number of punters but there seemed a goodly number as I rode back through the camping. Today is the August Holiday so from tomorrow, people will pack up, probably to go back to work on Tuesday. From here on, it’s all downhill until the winter season. By the end of August, the camping will be less busy, except for weekends, until the end of October if it’s anything like last year. If Crete keeps turning red, it may change.

It was very cool yesterday evening requiring the remaining window to be closed as it was so windy and chilly. I would even have closed the roof light but it’s a bit of a performance since the hinges died a couple of years back. It usually come off for the summer and back on for the winter. There’s no rain under the metal roof.

It seems as though Fido is recovering from his recent unwellness as he’s fooling around with Skinny and Isabella who are partaking of a mad moment. I left Oskar and Charlie in the SDC all day, Isabella was there on her own all night and Luis, following some initial singing, has stayed reasonably quiet and near me for most of the day.

Another Dormition of the BVM bites the dust!


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