Bye bye…

More new customers arrived in the evening so the nearby area has filled up a little with some large, family tents of which one has a small dog. They are not noisy or intrusive but I don’t know how long they will stay. I could find the place deserted by morning.

I amused myself until bedtime with some video-watching including an episode of Perry Mason which never disappoint. I brought Oskar, Luis and Fido in leaving Isabella, Skinny and Obi in the main area and Charlie in the SDC on his own. He’s happier on his own. During the day, Oskar usually sits up one end and Charlie the other.

It’s not unusual to have some noises-off on a Saturday night even though there is supposedly a curfew until 06:00. I woke to hear Isabella and Skinny barking in stereo at a noisy group on the Alonáki Beach Road. They sounded a little like Morris Persons due to the bells but it’s a little unlikely in Crete. The group passed, I invited Skinny inside and we went back to sleep.

Morning arrived soon after but I didn’t hurry out as it was Sunday. There were a few cars and a number of vans along Alonáki Beach. I didn’t check to see if the tents were still by the Big Rock. Kostas was not to be seen so our walk to the end of the Promontory was brisk and uneventful. Oskar and Charlie were initially missing but managed to catch up later. It was lighter when we walked up to Plakaki so I was able to guide some of the dogs away from investigating the vehicles parked at the top of the beach. The Plakaki Hotel seemed very quiet with not a single light showing.

Isabella seemed particularly bouncy as we went on our second trip to the Promontory. A fisherman was out on the eastern rocks and we passed another arriving who was surprised to have Isabella bounding playfully towards him whilst Obi provided musical accompaniment.

My next activity was Paleochora via Panorama and then swimming at Alonáki on the way back. I knew Ingo, Silvia and Kalliope would be leaving so didn’t hang around in the sea too long. I came back to the camping, showered, changed, fed the dogs and went to see them. They were packing up their belongings and tent and Kalliope was amusing the cats and asking about them. Those cats have yet more names to remember. I notice that the animals provide plenty of entertainment for younger children which is great for their parents.

Before they left, Ingo and Sylvia gave me a very generous donation towards feeding the animals. They are returning to Iraklion and eventually to Vienna. We hope to meet up sooner than two years next time.

I went back to the dogs who were still wearing their collars which I removed. The morning was history and the afternoon passed quickly. I picked up some poo, some rubbish and generally tidied up a little. It’s easier to do stuff when it’s cooler.

The morning was mostly clear and sunny but the afternoon clouded over and became a little windier so cooler. People were still having fun in the sea and on the beaches as Alonáki was busy too. This is the last weekend of August so it will probably become less busy from now on.


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