Tidy up

There are signs of rodent activity so there was a certain amount of restlessness amongst the dogs during the night. As a result, I was awake before the alarm so we were out sharpish for the Early Walk.

I have migrated to a heavier fleece with a T-shirt under and a scarf around my neck to keep out the wind. It was another coolish and somewhat dark morning as what remains of the moon was periodically covered by a passing cloud. Other clouds near the horizon made it darker still.

The umbrellas and loungers at Ammos Beach Bar appear to have taken a step back from the sea whereas those at Azzuro have been moved back to prevent them from being washed away. One risks wet feet by walking between the sea and the umbrellas.

Some of us walked back towards the Promontory whilst others ran. I understand Isabella was the outright winner with Obi and Skinny left well behind. Oskar, Fido and Luis were with me and Charlie made his own way coming in fourth place. I took them over the rocks whilst Ursula started off back to the camping. We caught her up and waited for her at the end. It was around 07:10 as I filed the dogs into the van and made some tea.

It was not too windy but still chilly so I went up the mountain passing Kostas’ 4×4 and a couple of other vehicles parked by the road. I continued back into Paleochora with a brief visit to the bakery to pick up an apple pie which nearly became a cheese pie. It’s not so easy when wearing a mask.

Back at the camping, I prepared a couple of gas cylinders for Petrakis to exchange for full ones. I didn’t even hear him arrive later and swap them over. Tony had his pie and I disappeared to release and feed the dogs.

My first activity was to make some banana bread as I’d already started the process before my ride. With the BB in the oven, I sat down with a cup of tea to catch up with the world of nuclear fusion and fell asleep. I’d not reset the oven timer when I put the mixture in so wanted to check the process near the end as I’d arbitrarily added time to the clock. The BB is a little overcooked as a result of my slumbers.

Otherwise, I’ve put my three, full gas cylinders in the storeroom, covered them with an old blanket and stack a load of stuff against them so that they don’t look like full gas cylinders. I used the opportunity to sweep the floor, tidy up and dispose of some of the 20kg pet food bags which are discarded but not put into the rubbish.

My day has been a plethora of small jobs including finding a bung to fill the tap hole in the kitchen sink to prevent splashes from sprinkling down onto the cutlery shelf below. In a couple of days I’ll need to further concentrate my mind on the matter of keeping out the rain forecast for Thursday night/Friday morning which is now something like 12mm.

Janne and Erica have friend for fika so it’s all terribly Swedish at present. Ursula and Tony are out on a jaunt but their plan is to return in time for tea at 17:00 or 5pm whichever is the earlier. The postman delivered my mineral oil brake fluid so I’m not able to bleed my brakes and will probably swap over the front brake cable set for the hydraulic one. It looks as though it could be a while before the remainder of my bike order materialises.

A warm and sunny day which was quite calm in the middle but has now turned windy again.


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