Last meter…

Another warm, clear and so starry morning with no interruptions other than a FreeLoader tent on the Big Beach which surprised Oskar and Luis who need little excuse to bark anyway. Some arse in the tent decided that clapping would help matters! I called the dogs to me and we proceeded to the end of the Promontory and back to the ranch. Otherwise an uneventful walk except for Charlie peeling off somewhere along the line to be found waggily waiting on the decking.

I rearranged my head then up to the top of Panorama passing Yiannis Petrakis who was out running. Fortunately, he recognised me however there are only two RadPower Rhinos in Paleochora and mine doesn’t have the dinky little shopping basket on the rear rack. And yes, the other belongs to a man…

I knew that Maria would be in the camping with Georgia later on as the latter was going to a wedding in Kountoura. One of the managers at Petrakis was getting hitched. The wedding was later in the morning and included lots of car horns and a little gunfire. The bunfight I think was at Houmas restaurant.

Maria presented me with a large bag of empty glass bottles to go to the recycling which I took after my ride. I’m uncertain as to the reason for Maria’s visit to the camping.

Two customers arrived during the day. A German couple called Stahl which was interesting as the girl on the bike is also Stahl and next door to the new arrivals. I spent some time chatting as Hans Stahl had spent time in Oz so spoke good English. The second arrivals were another German couple in a smaller van with canoes on the roof. We were tight for space along the beach so they were installed close to Georgia’s house. Both wanted the washing machine. Apparently, the washing machine’s reputation goes before it.

I wanted to repurpose the final electricity meter so that we’d have four WiFi ones out in the camping making seven with the original three. The last meter was destined to Frank as he was interested in the app for his phone.

Georgia came back to the camping after the wedding. I spoke about the taps that needed replacing and mentioned having a tap near to the place where chemical toilets are emptied into the tank adjacent to the customer kitchen. She replied that she’d instructed Michaelis to find a larger opening to discharge the toilet cassettes. I suggested an old toilet bowl. There will also be a water pipe for rinsing out and for cleaning up. The whole affair to be encased in some boxing…

Georgia asked if I planned to give an electricity meter to every camper with a van. She was keen to charge them €4/day however I suggested this would be counterproductive as customers would stay for a shorter time. Better that they pay for what they use which I consider to be fairer. Northern European customers know the unit price of electricity and offten have their own meter. €4/day equates to around 10kWh of electricity an amount which I’ve never managed to use even when heating. If you have only a laptop, like the Swiss guy who left today, you might use less than €4 in an entire week! Basically a rip-off! I said this would backfire as the customers move from camping to camping and chat with others. A good recommendation will bring more business otherwise people will be wary.

I spent time with Frank as we amused each other setting up his WiFi electricity meter so that he could view it on his phone. We ended up chatting until sunset whereupon I returned to the dogs to feed them.

The day was still, warm and sunny. We’ve had a good run of fine days recently.

Not the warmest of the month but warm and sunny


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