01/01/2022 Bug

The night was very short due to the latest Exchange Server bug which has caused plenty of annoyance to Exchange Admins since the New Year. Fortunately, someone was good enough to write a useful post about how to get around the bug. I’d carried out most of the usual checks without success and the Inter Sport mail server remained constipated with several hundred emails up its spout. The problem was cause by an Anti-malware script causing the blockage. Stopping the process solved the problem but I was still very late to bed.

I was unenthusiastic come the morning, which it did very quickly despite getting up nearly an hour later that usual. I wasn’t going to ride my bike until later so there seemed little point in rushing around. It was a warm but very overcast morning with some very grey and threatening cloud formations lurking around. Nevertheless, we were back with only a slight sprinkling.

Luis and Charlie had barked near the entrance to the Promontory but I didn’t find the cause until we met up with The Rug as we started our second Promontory circuit. She and Isabella were racing around together so I grabbed Isabella’s flashing collar before they both disappeared into the sea. One frazzled collar is already enough.

The Rug came back to spend the day with us. She didn’t do much except lie on the decking and sleep and the other dogs took no notice of her. It was a very dull and unrewarding day so Isabella and Skinny had retired inside with some of the others. I had Doggy Dinners to prepare and wanted to get the December accounts written up which I did in the office. It’s easier when there’s a desk and I can spread stuff around without it blowing away. I’d prepared a spreadsheet with the information sorted in date order so it was much easier to transfer the information to the paper customer invoices. December was a bumper month for the winter season. January will be a lot quieter.

I planned to visit Heike for some Isabella food before going to the dentist. I was about to leave when Maria called to tell me the ACS guy was waiting at reception with a package for Georgia. Some printed matter by the look of it. Tony waylaid me for some keys and then Simon called to say he had no Internet connection on his computer. I finally got away, bought dog food from Heike and a couple of flat sheets from the houseware store and managed to arrive fifteen minutes early for the dentist. He was twiddling his thumbs so got me straight into the chair. He drilled around a little preparing my tooth for its crown which is scheduled for Thursday next. It was quite warm and sunny when I rode into Paleochora as my bike thermometer was telling me it was 21ºC. It was very grey and overcast on the way back with a few drops of rain to provide realism.

Kirsti and Jorma were just back from their trip to Kandanos for a vaccination appointment. Apparently, the power failed as they waited in the office for the appointment so they left to do their shopping and came back later. It will be a little while before they receive a definitive appointment…

I processed the doggy dinners, unloaded the Isabella biscuits and filled up her containers then got food ready for later. The Rug was still present and stayed for some light supper before toddling off into the darkness. Hopefully, she decided to go home. I shall not be late to bed…

Rather dull and uninviting but there was no significant rain.


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