
The pessimism of the forecast was not borne out but actual events, fortunately, so we were able to complete most of our Early Walk in a reasonably dry state. From the outset, there were distant lightning flashes and then not-so-distant flashes accompanied by thunder. Not good Skinny weather as he gets a little stressed. At least Boris only became stressed when he was at the camping as, on a walk, he was too distracted by his ball, stick or other flying object.

Nevertheless, we galloped as far as the river and back before starting on the second Promontory lap. By this time the interval between the flashes and the thunder was significantly briefer so I was not sure we’d make it all the way around. Indeed, raindrops began to fall as we crossed the Big Beach so I ordered an orderly retreat back to the camping. Somewhere in this, Skinny managed to become disconnected from the others and disappeared.

Large raindrops were colliding noisily with the metal roof as we arrived back at the van. The dogs needed little encouragement to go into the van however Skinny was not in evidence. I had cats to feed and wanted to get this done before the rain set in. I felt that if Skinny was too stupid to still be out, he’d need to suffer the consequences.

Having fed the cats, I wandered through the camping and onto the beach where I [electronically] called for Skinny. I was sure I saw his light in the beach car park so, regardless of the approaching storm, I followed in that direction back to the van through the field. Skinny was hiding under my chair and quickly seized the opportunity to go inside the van. Isabella joined me outside where I drank my tea and amused my brain as the rain pattered on the metal roof.

Once the rain had passed, I took Isabella back out onto the Promontory to finish off what we’d already started. She ran relentlessly after her ball and we visited the lagoon to watch the waves breaking over the causeway.

Once back at the camping, I fed all of the dogs and then myself. No banana bread or DDs to prepare today.

I spent my time with a little online shopping ordering some more hoodies as many of the others are falling apart. I purchased them in 2014 so they’ve done quite well considering. I discovered a couple of good websites which sell many different brands of reasonably-priced garments if you stay away from the premium marques.

I had a visit from Christian who is staying with his wife at CBV. I asked him how much they charged for a month off-season. He told me he was paying €1,800/month plus pellets for the heater and electricity on a meter. Significantly cheaper than in the summer but also significantly more expensive than Grammeno where you could stay four months for the same price. He’s expecting some consignments via DHL which I’d agreed to receive at the camping. I now have the tracking numbers so will take care of it.

I spent time with my computer putting together a new paper-based customer invoice form as I’ve run out and the ones we have are tatty to say the least.

Once the DD’s were on the way, I took Isabella for another trip around the Promontory so that she could chase her ball to burn off some energy and guarantee a reasonably peaceful evening.

A series of frequent, heavy showers but enough sunshine to produce 4kWh

The sea was active today


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