Better days

The combination of dark, cold, windy and rain was too much so I joined the dogs in their lack of enthusiasm for getting up to go out for a walk. In the end, it was dawn when we went out and the sun rose not that long after. It’s possible to get around much quicker when it’s light so we were back by around eight. The river has more extensive islands and has also changed course a couple of times. The sea has built up a bank of shingle between itself and the river.

More islands in the river which is still far too wide to cross with dry feet although Skinny seemed to enjoy paddling.

I put the dogs inside then took Isabella out with her ball for half-an-hour. I took some time for myself and my brain then let the dogs out and fed them.

The thing with starting the day later is that tasks tend to pile up. I’d received a message from Sandra and Sonja to say that they were in Chania so would catch the bus back to Paleochora to be back at the camping around eleven. I had doggy Dins to prepare but with a later start, time was getting on. I’d not had any breakfast so planned to eat that before the arrival of the ladies. In fact, they arrived at 10:35 so I went out to greet them, give back their van keys and find somewhere for them to stay. The couple who arrived yesterday took their spot despite saying they would go elsewhere.

The the ACS courier called to say he had a package for me which turned out to be the long rain coat I ordered a few days ago. It’s not terribly exciting but unlike my jackets, it doesn’t deposit the water into my shorts as this coat goes to my knees.

The postman had called at nine but I didn’t hear him beeping his horn so he’d vanished by the time I got outside. I think it was Christian’s package from Switzerland as I found a docket in the mailbox at reception.

The new arrivals wanted the washing machine so it was a little while before I got back to my breakfast. They had a backlog of washing so put in very big loads too heavy for the machine to spin properly. I ended up dividing the loads at the spin cycle which took up even more time.

I went into Paleochora for the post office but was too late due to fiddling around spinning laundry. I stopped for a brief chat with Christian who’d just been to the post office to collect his package.

I did some shopping in Petrakis which included some glue to stick the address label to the SportDog parcel as well as some packing tape to strengthen the flimsy tape I used to reclose the box.

I came back for more fiddling around with the washing machine and I ignored the third load which was lined up outside the laundry room door. I decided that 17:00 was too late to be putting another wash in the machine.

I had cats to feed and doggy dinners to process as well as putting together something for me to eat.

I’ve just had a message from Niclas, who was here with his family until after the New Year. He’s coming back tomorrow so he tells me.

It’s been a difficult day which started late but the details are far too boring to bother with. I’m going to bed soon anyway.

Wind and rain to start the day with strong winds until the evening. Tomorrow is forecast to be more windy but warmer.


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