Thursday Is Dentist Day

With things to do and the threat of wind later, we were charging out of the gate at 05:34 and heading towards Venus, hanging in the sky over Paleochora. There was a cold wind from the north so I soon had the hood up on my hoodie and my coat. We were quite quick with nearly all of the dogs turning up promptly at each collection point. Only Skinny missed out at the second point.

The river is still chuckling to itself as it meets the sea. It was too dark to see if there were any new islands and I notice there was no Skinny Dipping today.

I took Isabella out with her ball once I’d fed the cats, drunk some tea and reorganised my brain. We were back by 08:45 so ahead of the game unlike yesterday where we were perpetually behind.

I put on some washing for Sandra and then had breakfast in the warm sunshine. The wind was getting up gradually with occasional strong gusts.

Other than removing Sandra’s washing, I amused myself with spreadsheets and other administration as well as a few emails. I wanted to get a shower before visiting the dentist as I knew there would be plenty of solar-derived hot water.

Before departing, Julian, the guy with the fluffy dog and the two cats, put in his third load of washing having decided to remain an additional day. He would have got all three loads done yesterday if he’d started earlier. I certainly wasn’t up for wandering around the camping in the dark so a late wash was not on the cards.

Now that Niclas is back, everyone is displaced from their usual spot: Sandra and Sonja are in Niclas’ space and Julian is in Sandra and Sonja’s.

The ride to the dentist was very exciting due to the strong, gusty, northerly wind. I stopped at the post office on the way as I had the SportDog handset to post. It has a free post return label so it was a very quick affair. I wanted to get to the pharmacy but it closes at 14:00. As it was, I was one hour too early for the dentist so went shopping and sat on the bench in the sun for a little while. It was too windy to be comfortable so I went to the dentist to park my bike.

The victim before me hadn’t arrived so I went for a walk. As it turned out, she was a no-show so I could have gone it at 14:50 in stead, I was in the chair at 15:20 and out by 15:45. I needed another root fill so he’s started that so will finish it off next Thursday and take an impression for the technician to make the crown. There will be one more visit to fit the crown making that the last appointment in the series. I’ll have to think of something different to do on a Thursday afternoon.

The ride back to the camping was very rapid due to the following wind. The laundry I put in at 13:20 was still churning around at 16:00. The display said six minutes until the end. I came back ten minutes later and it showed an unbalance error so I removed some of the washing and left it to finish off before spinning the remainder. A big load with heavy, saturated items just does not spin.

I sorted out the food for the dogs and myself then went to deal with a breaker so that Niclas could have some electricity and WiFi. Both derive their power from the same location.

My phone rang to announce the arrival of the EasyMail courier parked opposite the entrance. He had a bag containing the three new hoodies I ordered a few days ago. Three new hoodies! I shall pension off some of the older ones which I feel sure will be quickly assimilated by the immigrant population lurking amongst the polytunnels.

The wind has moderated so we should hopefully have a quiet night. It should be calm tomorrow.

A gusty but sunny and dry day. It should be dry and warm for the next few days.


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