Grey and Wet

Richard Briars murdered the four school fiends in Midsomer Murders. They inadvertently hung his illegitimate son during an initiation ceremony when they were schoolboys. John Nettles worked it out but the culprit got away and jumped from his church roof.

After a brief consultation with Weather Underground, I decided it worth taking the risk to go out for a walk. There had been a little rain earlier but not enough to really wake me up. I wore my Long Coat with the hood up but unzipped as it was not overly cool. There was light rain which didn’t really develop into anything much so the dogs were just a little damp at the edges when we got back. I could have got away with a short coat but it’s very easy to be wise after the event.

I waited and drank some tea before taking Isabella for her ball-throwing walk. She was exceptionally active so I had plenty of exercise for my throwing arm. It came on to rain with a little more determination so we didn’t tarry. I went for a wander of the camping to make sure everything was working and to check that our new arrivals had survived the night.

Having fed everything, I spent much of the morning preparing February’s customer sheets and producing a summary for Georgia. I have everything ready as I understand the final static van is now scheduled to arrive tomorrow. Georgia is bound to be present to ensure everything goes smoothly. Not that the second one has been positioned so is still abandoned in the road in the middle of the camping.

The rain continued. I asked Tony to cut some logs for the fire in the Common Room where later I found the two fathers with their children who were playing nicely together – and the children too. They were warming up the room and I understand they are baking pizza for supper this evening.

The building materials delivered yesterday by the smelly lorry have not been touched as Michaelis has not been in the camping to my knowledge as today was not so good for working outside.

Mid-afternoon the rain stopped so I wandered down to the beach pursued by the traditional posse of pussies. On my return I was invited to tea with the neighbours. We managed to chat despite the cats winding up the dogs who were already wound up enough having been in all day. I went back, put their rice on then took them for a long walk over the Promontory. I took the ball thrower and two balls of which Isabella carried one. Luis became very excited by the presence of the ball thrower so is now in a korma getting over the trauma of running around like a mad thing in competition with Isabella. I sent her off in one direction and him in another. That gave him a fair chance of pursuing then finding the ball whilst Isabella was occupied chasing and retuning with hers. As with Boris, she tried to control both balls but realised it wasn’t going to be easy.

The others pottered around so they are all fast asleep after munching their supper. I finally heard from Steve Hartley who delivered Princess and Pea in January 2019. He is in the process of planning a possible visit to UK for mid-April. I’ll know more sometime next week. Reni and Tomas will be pleased if it goes ahead I’m sure.

Daily Summary for 1 March 2022
Monthly Summary for February 2022. I see we managed a high of nearly 22ºC which isn’t bad from February.

Tomorrow is looking quite wet and the weather is forecast to be unstable for the next few days. I bet Stephanie is glad she decided to extend her stay!


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