Another New Static

I was getting dressed as the alarm sounded so we were out the gate and on our way before 05:30. It seemed really dark even though some stars were visible. The moon will not be with us for a while.

We were at the river by 06:05 but dawdled a little later on top of the rocks to admire the view and take in the morning. There was a swell from the southwest which concentrated the mind as we crossed the causeway.

I waited before going out later with Isabella. We didn’t have a ball but I took the thrower in the hope of finding the second of the two balls lost the other evening. After some wandering around, I found the ball in Luis’ usual place. When he’s had enough running around, he takes the ball out of play and abandons it. Isabella did a little running after her ball on the way back.

There was quite a bit going on in the camping when I wandered round and Georgia arrived surprisingly early which makes me think she stayed the previous night at her mother’s. Michaelis was towing the newest of the static vans into the camping and Georgia was there to oversee the positioning of T1 and the new van in its former location. The carob lost some branches to make way for T1 and the vans have been positioned with a fairly reasonable gap between them.

I had a call from a customer who wanted to rent one of the vans but they didn’t turn up anyway so it didn’t matter. Another couple from Germany arrived in the afternoon to stay for a couple of nights. They decided my buy six and get one free was a good offer so are staying a week. I also flogged them a Greek gas bottle and am storing their German one which will ensure they return at some point to collect it.

Georgia had a three-way interpreted conversation with Janne and Erica about the encroachment of T1 onto their pitch. Apparently, they were on the phone over ninety minutes! However, I’m certain nothing was achieved and nothing will change.

I prepared food then took the dogs for a walk. There was a man with a bicycle in the beach car park. He left as we arrived for some reason. The walk was brisk and uneventful.

After their supper, most of the dogs were inside the van however Skinny made his usual mistake of coming in last to find all the decent spots on the seats were gone. Isabella was occupying most of the seat next to me but got in a flap when Skinny tried to park himself next to her. There was a brief argument where both found themselves being ejected from the van. They might be allowed to come back in at bedtime.

I understand there is no longer a requirement to wear a mask outside in public. I don’t recall every wearing one at any point. The PLF will soon go and there will be a general relaxation before the tourist season begins. Surprise, surprise!

Some brief showers, sunny intervals and mostly cloudy but not cold.


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