One Of Those Days…

A light pattering on the roof signalled the arrival of rain much earlier than expected. It continued for some while so I was able to perform my morning mental workouts from the comfort of my boudoir. Fido decided he needed a pee but he returned quickly a little damp around the edges. The others appeared to be utterly disinterested with the prospect of venturing outside in the cold, wind and rain for some obscure reason. The rain eventually stopped and the day brightened up around 07:30 so were went out soon after. We enjoyed the finest part of the day although there was some light drizzle near the end. One of the dogs spotted a cat which was silly enough to show itself. I called the dogs away and the cat had gone up a tree but then inexplicably came down again. Bad news for the cat as the dogs set upon it until I pressed a few buttons and they came running. The cat still appeared to be functioning…

Most of the dogs spent much of the day inside the van as it was quite cold even under the awning. I lasted outside long enough to eat breakfast, to see Janne and Erica off and then welcome a new visitor who turned out to be related to the Winklers, so it was not by accident they arrived. They will stay three nights apparently.

It became too cold to remain outside so I went inside and lit the gas heater. The majority of the dogs were still inside so I made tea and browsed the Internet. Later, I prepared something to eat and some doggy rice and we are awaiting the pot. All are still inside except for Skinny. I have Charlie as one arm rest and Oskar the other.

I shall venture out to feed them in double-quick time then that will be the end of my day’s excursions except perhaps to the loo at bedtime.

A damp start so a late walk. The day remained cold, overcast and pretty unpleasant.


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