More Weather!

Heavier rain bashed the metal roof at silly O’Clock so I went back to sleep in the hope it might stop. The forecast was 90% convinced 10mm would fall before seven so I hung on and performed some useful activities with the aid of my phone. I eventually got up once it was apparent no significant rain would fall. The troops wanted out by then anyway so off we went. Like the previous evening, we hadn’t gone far when it started with some light rain. I looked and the sky and decided to head for the large cave as the sound of approaching rain drummed on the distant greenhouses like Zulus preparing for attack. We spent time in the cave before moving along to the lagoon cave which has an easterly view and you can see the raindrops plopping into the water and the distant ship sheltering in the bay in the lee the of the mountains.

I used the moment for some gentle exercises however I’m still conscious of my left knee which I think I twisted whilst mounting my bike when loaded. It’s much better and will probably not cause too much trouble now that I’ve ordered an electric heating pad to replace my religious HWB. The raindrops were wider spaced so we continued over the rocks and back to the camping still getting damper. I can confidently say that I’m fed up with the wind/cold/wet weather which appears to have been with us since the Dawn of Time.

We returned soggily to the camping where I dried off the dogs and fed them. Eight wet dogs under the awning is a lot of wet dogs.

A phone call from reception alerted me to the arrival of a Swiss couple in a motorhome. They are in the space by the kitchen near the bathrooms.

The young Swiss couple called to say they were leaving and were at the reception. They didn’t have enough money so paid my bank and I’ll pass it on. They are booked on the Iraklion ferry to Piraeus but wish to visit the Peloponnese. Definitely the prettiest route as Kissamos – Githion is much more direct. They will try to get a refund on their ticket. Good luck with that! Another phone call from some locals who were thinking about renting for the weekend. I suspect they will not come until they can be certain of the weather.

Frank is leaving today so I spent a couple of hours helping him move his caravan and van to the top of the camping. Fortunately, Michaelis was present so I got him to decide where to park the vehicles. Apparently, Georgia was under the impression there was only one vehicle making the 50€/month parking fee very reasonable for two. I explained I asked for a price for the van and caravan but didn’t wish to press the point as it would only rebound on Maria. I took 50€ from Frank who is leaving the keys for the van and caravan.

Intentions of taking Isabella and Ruggy on an additional walk were forlorn as I was running around or it was raining or both.

It’s been another day of cloud/sunshine/showers so I really am fed up with the whole weather thing. I trust it will redeem itself by remaining mild and balmy once we get into April.

I didn’t get the DDs into the pot until later so they have yet to be processed. I’ve prepared the doggy rice and my food so just need to swap over once it’s done.

We managed a second walk getting only slightly damp. I cursed my way across the Big Beach as I saw yet another mass of dark clouds pushing over the mountains. I am really fed up with the weather which has plagued us for the past four months. Whoever said that winter lasts only for two months in Grammeno should have stayed here this winter. I shall avoid saying it’s too hot or too dry during the summer. Or perhaps it will rain in August again this year.

I’m just come back from starting the boiler for the second time today. Added to the kitchen siren sounding at 03:00, technology here is working as expected.

Georgia informs me that, due to a failure, there will be a power cut in ten minutes. I don’t care as I’m self-sufficient as should be all the switches from the office to here. No interruptions hopefully.

I think my feelings regarding the weather have been adequately outlined


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