Holiday Weekend

I wasn’t late to bed as I was tired but slept through until the alarm at 04:55. All seven dogs were present as we marched along the Promontory over the rocks and back. There was still a cool wind and I might have done better with a hoodie.

We were back by around seven as we left a little later than usual. I drank tea and exercised my mind whilst Isabella and Sascha slept nearby. I suspect Sascha has had more exercise during the last week than at any time in her life. I notice she sits down whilst we’re out and went to sleep as soon as we were back. She was still up for another walk with Isabella who had three tennis balls today. She can get all three in her mouth at the same time. I had her diving into the lagoon to retrieve the ball but Sascha knows she stands no chance competing with her and the ball.

I rode into Paleochora for some groceries as I had DDs to prepare. I didn’t hang around as I knew some customers would be leaving. I collected in quite a bit of money. I was waiting for one booked arrival who appears not to have turned up. However, there were three other arrivals in compensation. The last was a family with a large trailer tent who are spending the night in M1 as the spot they want is currently occupied. The family who are leaving were packing up as there is the possibility of rain in the night and early morning.

Sascha went out for a walk with her brother and Bona’s children. Her husband was asking when I’d be getting the rabies vaccine as I said I’d vaccinate both dogs. Hopefully, they will be motivated to take proper care of the other dog.

I spent a while finishing off the monthly summary and got the remainder of the money ready for when Georgia comes to the camping next. I think she will be pleased with this month’s takings.

Now that Easter and the Labour Day holidays are out of the way, things should calm down. I notice there are several booking for next weekend but as they are all in the same name I imagine it’s a group so should be straightforward.

There is a twitchy, small dog sleeping at my feet and a mosquito buzzing around my head. Hopefully, my food will soon be cooked.

The sore throat and general lassitude that I’ve had for the past few days has all but gone. A definite bonus when there’s a lot to do.

Monthly summary for April 2022
A windy and chilly start but a warm, sunny day with a still evening.


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