I’ve Got Balls!

Georgia’s dogs woke me barking at 03:55 so I felt it only right to share my pleasure with Maria. Not that anything will come of it as usual. The dogs were still making a racket later on so I sent another message. I got up at 04:45 and readied the dogs to go for their walk.

There were only five dogs today as Luis was feeling poorly so I left him in the van feeling sorry for himself and Sascha was sitting on my chair when we came back. Whether it was out of solidarity for Luis or perhaps the fact she had her legs walked off on Sunday followed by her shots yesterday, I don’t know.

Our walk was uneventful and speedy as we didn’t have to wait for Luis to catch up and the others kept pretty much with me. We were back by 06:30 and Luis declined a walk with Sascha. I made tea, fed cats and exercised my brain then took Sascha on her own as Isabella is still in the Dog House of Malevolence. It was good for Sascha to walk at her own pace without being mown down by Isabella as she gallops after her ball. I took one of the 96 reclaimed tennis balls for her to play with and chucked it gently in front of her so that she might scamper after it. She knows about chasing the ball from Isabella’s antics so was able to display her own prowess.

Sascha with her ball (No96)
Sascha running after her ball
Sascha being cute with her ball. Yes, I know I said no more puppies…

Back at the factory, I walked the camping collecting money and said farewell to Michael Endl and his wife as they/he decided to leave. He’s not been well with a heavy cold, finds it difficult to sleep in their smaller van and had had enough so wanted to go back to Austria and home. The German family left but were immediately replaced by a Swiss family with two children. The only other arrival later in the day was a French/Dutch couple with a tent who plan to stay two nights and paid ahead. My favourite type of customer!

There was a washing machine and one for me as the postman brought my new washing balls from darkest Germany. The balls replace detergent, don’t have smelly deodorisers or contain toxic and polluting chemicals. I put them in a wash at 20ºC and my dirty sheet came out as white as new. This time of the year my feet get filthy with the dust from my shoes so it’s just a fact of life. I shall buy a dark brown sheet for the summer so nothing will show. The balls are destined to complete up to 1,000 washes which should do me.

I made doggy dinners somewhat later as I partook of a snooze to make up for being woken at 04:00. Frank kindly brought back 80kg of dog food from The Local Pet Shop. The cat food has gone up from 30€ by 8€ and the dog food by 5€. The last lot I had at the old price. The 40kg of cat food should last a while since the cats eat less, are fed by the punters and are fewer. I noticed a large bag of cat food in the back of one motorhome.

The new cabin, M7, is moving on well as Michaelis and Tony have been busy. Nikos has been welding and Manos has painted around forty chairs.

We have a good selection of children which appear to have integrated well and seem to be playing nicely together. The Swiss are pretty adaptable linguistically and can manage a variety of languages. I’m expecting the French couple who visited the other day however, as is my way, I have no real expectations.

A warm and still morning leading to a sunny and still day with a gentle breeze;


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