Much Better

I lay in my pit considering if I’d still feel ok once I actually got up and put my feet on the ground. As it turned out, I did and I continued to do so for the remainder of the day.

I took the Early Walk slowly but managed that and to take Isabella and Sasha out afterwards. Isabella did a lot of swimming which was good as she’d rolled in something disgusting previously. She’s getting the hang of swimming out and retrieving the ball. Now, she mostly gives it back to me too. Sasha enjoyed the sea but didn’t go swimming.

I’d decided to have an easy day as there was nothing much going on with very few people left to leave. In fact, only one couple left who’d stayed for twelve nights. I shall miss their little dog who ran out to greet me as I walked to the offive.

Dimitris called from the bar to tell me of some people waiting there for me. It turned out to be friends of Martin and his brother, Paul. We discussed the property at Azogires and I declined their generous offer of Martin’s two dogs. They are currently being fostered by a woman in Azogires. Apparently, Sascha has things in hand and will meet up with Colin when he and Steffi come to stay at Spaniakos in June.

My next appointment was Juergen who wanted the washing machine and to bring me a multi-oven which has a short circuit. We chatted at the bar whilst the washing did its thing. Some friends staying at the Megim Hotel just down the road arrived so I took this opportunity to sneak off.

I have drunk a lot of chamomile tea today as I thought it might be a good idea to give my digestive system some time off to recover. It is only now that I’m beginning to feel even vaguely hungry.

The doggies behave very well considering how much time I spent out in the camping. There was a little outburst as I was hanging up some washing left in the machine by Bona but that was attributable to Mickey outside T4. Lena and Georgia don’t appear to be in much of a hurry to move into their place with the dogs. It would be good if they did as this might encourage the dogs to keep quiet in the mornings.

The are few customers left to wake up only Wolfgang and Frank, the French couple in a tent and the Dutch couple remain now that the Swiss have left. That leaves me very little work to do so my job is now very easy until more arrive. As far as I can see, there are only two bookings for this weekend and one for the next, the last in May. Then Maria arrives.

Warm and sunny with a light breeze after a little early mountain fog


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