37.1ºC in May?

I didn’t need the thin fleece I was wearing so ended up with my sleeves rolled up. We completed our walk without interruption even though Kostas was on the rocks collecting what little salt there is. He’d gone by the time we came back.

I took the girlies later so Isabella was able to show off her swimming and retrieving abilities as the nice German lady with her little dog were on the Promontory. We chatted briefly whilst I continued to chuck the ball for Isabella and she continued to swim out after it. Today, I was throwing it into the sea as far as I could.

I rode into Paleochora on low batteries so I needed to work hard as they were nearly flat. I didn’t go over Panorama as I knew there were departees. Both lots of French and the Dutch couple as well as the single Swiss guy. The German couple from yesterday replaced the French on the front and there was a German couple in a Spanish van who plan to stay two nights.

I’ve been experimenting with producing lists from the online booking facility. I agreed to produce leaving/arrivals lists for Bona for cleaning and also Dimitris on the bar to help with ordering. Maria’s not good at this so it’s an easy back office activity for me and helps everyone.

ACS brought me two doggy parcels. One contained two new waterproof flashing lights not from Sportdog. These are simpler to operate as they can be activated simply by turning the lens. The SportDog ones are more awkward as the button is stiff and inaccessible. The other item was two Scalibor collars which should protect dogs from fleas and sandflies for four months. Bigger dogs require more Leisguard which is quite expensive at 15€/60ml where 1ml is required for each 10kg of dog for thirty days. Scalibor should protect against all fleas, ticks and so on which also saves on topical protection. I need to do some sums but had to protect Sasha as all the Leisguard was used up before she came. Leisguard only gives resistance to the sandfly parasite so is a little specific.

Later, Georgia and Lena arrived so we spent a jolly time changing the locks to all the cabins etc. We’ve not quite got there as more are required however it should be possible to open almost every door in the camping using only two keys. Very handy when showing accommodation when people spontaneously wish to view something. Saves all that wandering back and forth to the office.

We all ate in the restaurant and I tried out a vegetarian/vegan meal which was very good. I also had some stuffed tomatoes. I’m told I can eat with the in-crowd again tomorrow. I suggested meals which can be easily converted from vegetarian to vegan as apparently there’s more demand for vegan dishes.

We spoke about vans parked by the beach which I’m hoping will soon not be my problem anymore as Maria should arrive in a few days. The rental accommodation side will soon become busier so we need to put up rental tents and park vans without blocking the view from the accommodation. One night of simple rental accommodation for two is 35€ whereas a huge motorhome for two brings in only 24€. The first couple of weeks of June look quite quiet for rental but that changes for the 11 June holiday and beyond. I’m going to walk the camping with Georgia and Michaelis tomorrow to conjure up some more motorhome parking spaces then produce a plan. Not before time.

It was 37.1ºC today so very warm. I’m going to have another shower!

Better feed the dogs too!

Very hot after a warm start. Talk of 40ºC tomorrow. We often get a couple of hot days in June or September but not usually end of May.


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