
Fido tried for an exit pass around three however I told him to go back sleep as I knew he’d been out for a wee at bedtime. Now that the weather is warmer, there’s a reduced need to pee anyway. The Holiday Celebrations had been trialling the new sound system at the bar so I imagine those who were further away got more sleep. I think things stopped around two.

I managed to get the hounds out before five but I imagined the Promontory to be beset by hoards of FreeLoaders. There were FreeLoaders but they were in vans and scattered along the track at the top of the beach. The bright orange Italian tent which had been at the Promontory entrance the previous day had gone as had the accompanying car.

The rain had put paid to salt gathering so anyone of that persuasion would have had a good excuse not to rise at silly o’clock of a Sunday Morning. The Earth Sky Visible Planets guide mentioned the appearance of Mercury to join, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in the line of visible planets in the morning sky. I may be too premature or the mountains/clouds might have been in the way but I saw no sign of Mercury this morning. Perhaps tomorrow or the next day.

I took the girlies out with Isabella deciding to indulge in some more gentle ball-chasing then went up the mountain and around Paleochora before stopping at Anatoli for some dark rye bread. One long loaf lasts and keeps for two days. I popped into Bona’s on the way out to administer the second vaccination to the ‘puppy’ they decided to retain. She is also becoming a big girl.

Luis had been attacking the remains of the foam seat which is now uncovered due to the demise of the fabric. I’m planning to remove the two side foam cushions for the summer and probably get rid of them to leave one at the rear where I sit. The dogs go mostly on the floor anyway.

I went to reception on some pretext and ended up explaining the configurations of the various accommodations to the new lady. We plan to go for a wander around the camping once the weekend rush is over. Maria was flitting in and out and beginning to look more stressed that at the time of her arrival. I’m not sure she’s that good at delegating or even explaining what is expected. I’ll know more once I have an opportunity to speak to the new lady out of the line of sight and hearing of The TeleScreen.

I performed useful activities including preparation of the DDs for the next three evenings. I indulged in a little tidying and watched some interesting DW presentations. All very erudite and fulfilling.

I wandered down to the kitchen which was pretty busy, with my little stainless steel cooking pot. Petra presented me with a larger, stainless steel food container which housed a number of gemista, the last of the batch I presume. She told me to bring the container back later. There were six tomatoes and peppers enough for today and tomorrow. Except that tomorrow I shall be dining out at Anydroi.

With the excitements of noises off nearby, Luis and Fido have been displaced to the SDC accompanied voluntarily by Sasha who may now be regretting her decision. The external punters will mostly leave tomorrow at the latest but I should imagine this will become the norm as the summer season approaches. There are far fewer reservations for next weekend however the following one is already busy.

The dogs are now fed with Luis, Fido and Sasha still in the SDC. I had to calm their enthusiastic anticipation for food with the help of the hose. I shall leave them in there until they dry off.

The night was cool as well as noisy but gave way to a pleasant and reasonably clear morning. The day was warm and mostly sunny with a light breeze.


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