One Pace Forward, And Three Back…

I took yet another load of clean bedding to the store by the reception just as Janne and Erica were leaving for the airport and their flight back to Stockholm. I watched a little Michael Palin as he journeyed through Peru but didn’t make it to the end as I was falling asleep.

I was awake before the alarm but needed to unfreeze the washing machine, which had gone to standby, in order to complete the off-white towels left to soak overnight. It was all ready to hang up once I returned from walking dogs.

Our walk was quite warm despite a little, mostly northerly, breeze. There was a French tent at the northerly end of the Big Beach but only Sasha showed any interest when we were there on the later walk.

I went over Panorama and into Paleochora stopping to buy a loaf at Anatoli. I’ve nearly run out of small change much to their relief I’m sure. There was more wind than earlier but I made it back in good time. Michalis pointed out the caravan, which has been parked outside the workshop for nearly a year has moved elsewhere. It has lurked around the site ever since I first arrived in 2011.

I fed dogs and popped up with the dry bed linen stopping at the office on my way. Apparently, Maria is to keep a paper copy of the booking calendar in sheets of paper so that she can rub things out if they need to change. Perhaps if she knew how to use the online calendar correctly things might be easier. No one will argue as this is a Luddite autocracy.

Later, I learned that the spreadsheet I’d suggested and created had been rejected in favour of the former sheet where the amounts must be added up manually. I said that I was no longer interested in helping out since my suggestion was ignored. Sadly, the office staff have very limited IT skills and processes are hopelessly inefficient. Previous summer reception assistants with valuable IT skills, have received the same response leading to general disappointment and disinterest.

A noise outside my compound was followed by a call from Bona. Apparently, Sasha’s ‘sister’, having found herself alone, decided to follow the boys to the camping. None of them are able to control the dog which I found tied to the end of a length of washing line with a couple of turns wrapped around her neck. It was hot, so I couldn’t be bothered to walk her back to their home and Bona needed to keep ironing and washing. I suggested I take her and put her with Sasha then they could collect her from me when they went home. She’s still here so it looks as though there may be an extra body at supper time. I understand they have problems getting her to eat…

The afternoon was quite hot, I’ve eaten a rather nice meal from the kitchen so just have the doggy rice to cook. I was planning a mid-afternoon swim but with an unknown visitor in our midst I felt it could become noisy in my absence.

Once the sun goes down, I need to clean Janne’s CCTV camera.

A warm start to a hot day which turned windy later on.


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