A Little More Wind

I started to watch George Gently but was called away to look at a disconnected till in the bar. It was the restaurant till which had not been transmitting information to the government facility for some while due to not having been plugged into the switch. A certain amount of rearranging of items behind the bar was required to access the disconnected cable but there are plenty of strong, fit young men working as waiters. Apparently there is a similar problem with the mini-market till although I couldn’t find any evidence to support this. Having wandered around fixing things, I didn’t have the will to complete George Gently as it was ten so time for bed.

Some lassitude crept into the getting up routine which made for a later departure. It wasn’t too windy, almost not windy at all, contrary to the forecast which was full of woe. Our walk was dispensed with and we were back at the van just after seven. It still wasn’t windy so I rode to the top of the mountain and back mindful of a visit from Juergen at 08:30. I rode into the camping to receive a message saying he’d be thirty-minutes late which made for a more leisurely second walk with the girlies.

Isabella had plenty of energy so it’s fortunate that my throwing arm is getting stronger every day. True to his word Juergen appear at 09:00 whereupon we spent an hour or so chatting at the bar drinking mountain tea and coffee. I went back to feed the dogs leave Juergen to make calls and organise his life. He’s entering the chess competition to be held in Paleochora for one week. He asked if I’d like to come along but I told him I had some grass I wanted to watch grow.

The previously forecast wind materialised somewhat later than promised which suited me down to the ground. There was a little gap in my exercise routine due to pressure of time so I engaged in some other strengthening activities at intervals throughout the day. I found time to make up the DDs which are currently cooling nearby.

The wind has not disappointed although it cannot be a lot of fun for the punters. There’s a large family group with small children the other side of the fence which has provided some entertainment. It seems that this area is the favourite for posting such groups.

According to the forecast, tomorrow is likely to be less windy than today although Sunday is likely to be very windy for most of the time.

Fido is looking after Luis giving him a good grooming. The two of them look after each other although there are times when there’s no love lost between them.

Predominantly windy after a slow start but not cold. More wind, becoming stronger at least until Wednesday probably.


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