One Month To Go

In bed by ten again as I didn’t think I’d get to the end of Perry Mason’s investigation before felling asleep. I’d been for a shower which is always a great precursor to a quick sendoff.

Fido was squeaking by the door just after five so I used that as my cue to get the day started. We were out in darkness so the dogs had their lights on for a change. Our walk was without excitement although we spotted the guy who was collecting salt the other day. I steered the dogs away from the rocks when we caught up with him later as I felt he deserved a peaceful start to his day.

I went up the mountain, around Paleochora with a stop at Anatoli for a loaf before taking the girlies out for their walk. I forgot to take the controller for the collars. Sasha decided to bark at a woman sitting with a flapping towel in a deckchair on Alonaki. The ever-vigilant Luis heard Sasha bark so decided to join in with some song of his own. I waited to see if he’d stop but eventually turned back to put a collar on Luis and collect the collar remote. We set off once more, went to the end of the Promontory then stopped for a quick swim from the Big Beach. We were joined by a nearby man at the end. Isabella swam out a couple of times and then we called it a day.

I festered gently before releasing and feeding the remainder of the mob as I’d been on the go since just after five. The remainder of the morning was equally un-athletic since I fell asleep then watched videos. I had little appetite for anything else as the day was warming up and there was little wind to cool things down.

I leapt into action later to wash a couple of pairs of shorts and polo shirts by hand. I don’t have anything like enough to put in the machine until it’s time to do some towels and a sheet.

I played with the camping network for a little while by fiddling around with bandwidth profiles. Very exciting but the network appears to be working reasonably satisfactorily.

I have a couple of idiots fooling around under my chair. Sasha and Luis are sparring so the other dogs have disappeared to a safe distance in order to avoid flailing legs. The occasional hoof strikes the base of my chair fabric. So long as they wear each other out reasonably quietly, I care not. The neighbours with the young children seem oblivious anyway.

I notice that all accommodation has been taken this weekend except for a couple of rental tents awaiting clients. We’re now halfway through July with one month until the season’s zenith on the 15 August from whence the gradual decline begins.

Not such a windy day despite some moments. The temperature was higher than the previous days which was great for the punters on the beach. The pressure has remained remarkably stable.


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