Three Weeks On

My fan kept the temperature reasonable throughout the night even though it was only just under 30ºC much of the time. There was some wind as we walked but it became stronger over time. Lots of people were scattered about on the beach, in vans, hammocks and tents.

One of the vans had a dog which was soon to make quite a racket as we crossed the field. Naturally, this caused a couple of my lot to go for closer inspection although there was no retaliatory barking. They soon caught me up so that we could find some ladies and their dogs in a tent close to the entrance to the Promontory. One of their dogs barked however only Sasha uttered a couple of small squeaks as she’s starting to get the message about barking. The rest just wandered on oblivious. It was lighter as we crossed the rocks and I adjusted the return trajectory to allow a wider berth for the dogs and tent.

The couple on the sun beds on Alonaki Beach stirred as we passed. Not that the dogs took any notice of them. It wasn’t long before we were at the end of the beach and heading back towards the Promontory and the rocks. A hammock was suspended at the furthest end of The Big Beach with some creature within. We passed on by, walked the rocks and returned.

I exercised my brain then took the ladies out for a second walk. There were no balls conveniently located within the compound so I didn’t bother with the thrower. Isabella managed to find a viable ball before we’d crossed the field. She has them stashed everywhere.

The hammock had disappeared, a couple of ladies were swimming from the Small Beach and a man from the Big Beach. The ladies with the tent and two dogs were emerging so all of the dogs were able to greet one another. We passed and returned to the camping so that I could go up the mountain and stop at Anatoli which was stuffed with [foreign] customers. I’m organised as I have the money in my hand and a bag for the bread. I’ve been using the same bag for around three weeks. I cannot get over the waste of plastic bags. The amount of money people spend in the bakery is amazing and I though 1.40€ for a loaf that lasts two days was enough. The array of pastries must make deciding difficult for those who are inclined.

I returned to the camping via the sea which was quite lumpy but others were also bathing. I took off my wet stuff and collapsed into the chair to recover from my exertions. I let the dogs out once I could see that starvation was imminent.

it was quite warm so the dogs were quick to settle once fed as was I. My level of activity has been limited although I managed to knock together some DDs. The dogs appear to have registered this fact as there’s quite a bit of wagging and wandering at present.

Even at three weeks on, there are still plenty of ‘put stones in your pockets’ jokes whenever it’s windy. Otherwise, my bits have mostly repaired and my ribs only really hurt when I sneeze or get poked by some dog with big paws. All the cuts are healed and nearly all of the bruising has gone.

Next Sunday is the last day of the month leaving only three weeks until the height of the season. There was a ⭐️ review today which I forwarded to Maria. Sometimes people just like to have a rant; however many of the points were valid, reasonable and fairly easily rectified. I think the customer may have been near to the French group who left today. He mentioned the lack of charging points for mobile devices, the lack of a freezer for customers to cool water, store frozen food and freezer blocks. He mentioned the tents were too close together so guess he had one of the rental tents. He commented on the offsite parking without shade. There were no comments about, showers, toilets and price, which are the usual favourites. I think I could agree with most of what he said although it was a weekend and there was a large group onsite. The charging of mobile devices can be easily rectified so I might work on something for that. Car parking is a problem especially as it’s 2.5€ a night even for the space down the road with no shade.

Isabella is soaking up all of the cool air from the fan with Sasha licking her ears. Oskar is banished inside for barking with Luis to keep him company as he just happened to be there. Probably avoiding Isabella no doubt.

I suppose I’d better get on with feeding them…

A warm day with a windy start and middle. Gusts were less than 55km/h


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