
Sunday morning arrived almost quietly with a small child having a meltdown around five. I was awake anyway. It looks like a family is in one of the large rental tents upstream of me and they are here for a little while. From whence came the bawling child I suspect.

Our doggy walk was enjoyable and mostly uneventful. Hardly anyone about although some cars in the car park. The only real signs of life came from a couple in a convertible with two dogs on leads which we saw on the last part of the walk as we were going back to the camping. Oskar and Obi had them in their sights however I had other ideas. Guess who prevailed?

I came out with the other two so we could have another, perhaps more leisurely tour of the Promontory. The girls were ahead of me and spent quite a bit of time in the water or just fooling about. Taking the two of them for a walk is totally undemanding.

They were a little active when we got back to I took the opportunity to exercise my brain before setting of up the mountain and around the familiar course. I employed quite a bit of assistance to cut down the time as I wanted to get back to meet the Japanese gentleman from Kako Petro. He was due to arrive between ten and twelve however I suspected he might be earlier rather than later. Nevertheless, I had time for a brief sit down and to feed the dogs. I gathered up some stuff and walked up to the reception to find him waiting outside the office.

We wandered down to the big room where I inspected his laptop which gave every indication of being dead or at least resting. Likewise, his iPad didn’t show too many signs of life. I offered to check them out and to report. We got to chatting and discovered we had very similar outlooks on climate, consumption and lifestyle. He told me he had a stroke back in December but is getting over it. He is eighty and lives with his partner up in the mountains where they grow organic vegetables which she prepares for him although he’d rather be eating meat. He left Japan as he didn’t like the lifestyle and general ethos although he’s a fan of city life and crowded living. We had plenty to talk about so time ran away and he was with me longer than anticipated. I saw him off then went to play with the iPad which I discovered probably only required a charge and some gentle persuasion to get going. His laptop remains in its dormant state.

It was around midday when I went back to the dogs who’d remained mostly quiet. I think poking Luis just after I left may have had an effect.

Other than enlivening the iPad I had another look at the deceased CCTV controller to discover that, at least for now, it seems to be working however the hard disk has definitely died. I’ve put it back in the washing machine room so we’ll see how long before Georgia discovers it’s back online. The new disk I ordered will not work with this model and I don’t know how long this will continue to function anyway. At least I’ll have the opportunity of getting all of the settings from it!

I had a shower and generally did a little sleeping or watching interesting videos on YouTube. There’s an interesting series on water which is going to be the next big thing unless the climate is fixed in double-quick time. Apparently, many areas in Germany are very low on water due to shorter winters and warmer, longer summers. Trees are dying and being infested with some fungus which destroys the trees and the spores are dangerous to human health. Almost all of the problems are as a result of humans trashing the planet.

I went down to the kitchen where Petra gave me a vat of chickpeas to which I added the remaining Gigantes and a couple of potato wedges lurking in the fridge. There was some event to do with the little shrine outside the kitchen so I’ve gained some of the traditional bread distributed to attendees. No problem as the bread is very edible.

Noisy turned up at my gate a while ago to ask if he could borrow the dog lead as Maya had appeared in the camping unexpectedly. He brought the lead back a little while later with Maya attached to it asking if I’d look after her until they go home later. The three ‘ladies’ seem to get on very well together so it’s no problem also, like Iera, the others seem to have accepted her. I’ll suggest they leave her with me until tomorrow so I don’t have to hang around waiting for them to go home and Maya gets a decent run with the others in the morning.

A pleasant, warm and windless day with lots of sunshine despite some cloudy intervals


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