Friday Already!

Fido started my day around 03:50 however, some persistent chatting from my newest neighbours woke my at 01:30. Not for long: just long enough for me to wish them sweet dreams. Why some of the biggest rental tents are near me when much of the rest of the camping is empty astounds me.

It was cooler as we stepped out of the gate although I remarked how the bushes trap warm air at nighttime. Since the removal of my weather station and the cutting down of much of the undergrowth in January 2021, the carobs have grown back considerably so provide more shelter from the easterly wind as well as trap warm, and sometimes cooler air.

Only one motorhome was parked in the beach car park and they left after a quite early start as they were eating their breakfast as we walked back to the camping at the end of our first walk. The only extraordinary event was the sudden appearance of Iera who was waiting on the Big Beach at the end of the first walk. There was quite a bit of chasing about and then we went back leaving Iera on the beach.

I went out again with the girls and we found Iera still on the beach. They had loads of fun chasing each other around. Isabella at the front followed by Iera and then Sasha. They were puffing and panting so finished off by dashing into the sea to cool down. We left Iera on the beach rolling in the sand.

Isabella had her ball but we didn’t get in much throwing. After all that running around, I should imagine they didn’t have much energy left.

I Elevated my brain and then rode up the mountain, over Panorama and then round Paleochora not stopping until I was back at Alonaki for a swim. Initially, I was the only person in the water which was calm despite a light southerly wind. I sat on the beach in the sun to dry off then went back to the camping.

I’d not been back all that long when I had a call from Maria asking me to meet Georgia in the bar. Apparently, she’d bought a new camera she wanted to put in the bar as the others are out of order. I said that with a little reprogramming, I’d be able to make it so that she could see the existing cameras from outside the camping. At present, with the current configuration, it’s possible to see the cameras only whilst connected to the camping’s WiFi. Georgia plans to be away for a little while but still wants to keep an eye on things during her absence. The new NVR has yet to arrive.

What should have been a relatively simple job drove me crazy for much of the remainder of the day. I could get the restaurant camera to work from outside but, even though the configuration was correct, it is not possible to see the other cameras in the bar. I like a challenge, and this was certainly one of them!

There were no rain[drops] today although some clouds earlier leading to a warm, sunny day. The nice lady with the small boys who came to visit the dogs a couple of times, dropped by to say they were leaving and to ask for my contact details. I said that the camping is open during the winter and suggested they might come for a weekend or perhaps during half term. It’s surprising that people don’t know that the camping is open in winter. I feel more customers would come during the off-season if more were made of this.

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Warmer than yesterday, another sunny day: great beach weather.


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